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The Construction Reserve Fund was established in 1992 to account for the revenue associated <br />with defeased and called bond issues and expenditures for improvements of a permanent <br />nature. <br />The Tax Increment Project Fund was established to account for the revenues and expenditures <br />for the various projects associated with the creation of the various tax increment financing <br />districts. <br />Tax Increment Districts <br />The City Council took action on October 13, 1982, to form a Municipal Development District <br />and two Tax Increment Financing Districts, with an additional Development District and Tax <br />Incremen[ Financing District being formed in 1984. In 1985, the Ciry substantially modified <br />its Tax Inerement Plans to create one development district and several tax inerement districCs. <br />As of December 31, 1997, the City has fifteen active Cax increment districCs and one expired <br />distriCt (DistriCt 8). <br />The City rouncil is r€sponsible for administering the tax increment projects. <br />A��ncy�unds <br />The Northwest Youth and Family Service Agency has been changed to a contractual <br />relationship in 1997, and as a result, the Ciry no longer provides tinancial and accounting <br />services to the group. <br />The Grass Lake Water Management Organization is a separate nonprofit organization <br />established under a joint powers agreement between the cities of Roseville and Shoreview. In <br />accordance with the terms of the agreement, the City provides accounting services to the <br />Organization. <br />The Employee Deferred Compensation program is now being held in legal trusts. As a result <br />the City no longer has an obligation or ownership interest in the deferred programs of the <br />employees. That agency fund has been removed from the City's accounting records. <br />The Community Development Block Grant Fund accounts for funds held in trust associated <br />with the block grants awarded to the City through Ramsey County. <br />The Local Development Corporation Fund accounts for funds held in trust from block grants <br />and other sources for the special housing needs related to low and moderate income people. <br />The North Suburban Cabie Commission is ajoint powers agency for which the City provides <br />investment services for their surplus funds. <br />The Roseville Lutheran Cemetery Fund was established in 1993 to account for the revenue and <br />expenditures associated with the Roseville LuCheran Cemetery. The cemetery came into the <br />city's care when the previous owners would no longer take responsibility. <br />0 <br />