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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
6/27/2018 9:56:51 AM
Creation date
6/27/2018 9:56:26 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Freihammer explained that such <br />efforts are considered with all the new development and permitting but pointed out <br />that all existing development is difficult to go back and try to correct or change. <br />Chair Cihacek inquired about the school project and questioned if these efforts were <br />being included in the early development stages of the project. <br />Ms. Anderson Wenz replied yes and stated that the watershed is meeting with the <br />developer and the school to provide input on the site. <br />Member Wozniak pointed out the many residents stated that the changes to the <br />pond were noticed in the past few years. He questioned if the City had made any <br />changes to the pond in the past 3-4 years. <br />Mr. Johnson stated no and explained that in 2014 the rain patterns shifted to include <br />quicker and heavier rain falls which could have been a contributor. <br />Member Wozniak further inquired about the plantings around the pond. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that the plantings were done prior to his arrival but stated that <br />the decline of the pond was more likely due to the increased rains and not the <br />plantings. <br />Ms. Anderson Wenz stated that the internal load could have been a factor in the <br />decline of Frog Pond as well. She explained that there are many many factors that <br />can contribute to internal loads for which a whole separate study could be <br />conducted. <br />Member Joyce questioned if phosphorous bans in fertilizers have increased. <br />Ms. Anderson Wenz stated that fertilizes are only one of the many many factors <br />contributing to the increased phosphorus levels. <br />Member Joyce asked if rain barrels could be a solution to help with runoff. <br />Ms. Anderson Wenz stated that rain barrels are great for water conservation but that <br />in terms of water quality, the polluted water comes more from the streets and less <br />from the rooftops. <br />Member Kruse asked about storm sectors and if they are effective. <br />Ms. Anderson Wenz rippled that they are used and can be effective if they are not <br />being overloaded. She stated that the type of phosphorous being targeted also makes <br />a difference. She also stated that all infrastructure solutions have to be maintained. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />
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