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Last modified
6/27/2018 11:33:21 AM
Creation date
6/27/2018 11:30:18 AM
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Public Works Commission
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81 companies have a three-step treatment process for killing the algae and explained <br />82 that the costs varied from $1,500-3,000 dollars. He stated that he would want to <br />83 ensure thatthe treatments were safe and not going to cause problems in other nearby <br />84 water bodies. He stated that he felt these treatments would be a good short-term <br />85 solution to implement in conjunction with the overall long-term mitigation plans. <br />86 <br />87 Kendra Godine 905 Transit Avenue <br />88 Ms. Godine stated that she has been a resident in her home for 24 years. She stated <br />89 that the pond was consistent with clarity up until 2015. She expressed her concern <br />90 that Frog Pond is losing its appeal to surrounding residents. She stated that she feels <br />91 that the City should be more active in budgeting nfs for solutions to the water <br />92 quality problems. <br />93 <br />94 Cynthia White 2489 Churchill Street <br />95 Ms. White stated that she does not live on the pond but that she walks in that area <br />96 daily and stated that she has lived in her home for 22 years. She expressed that Frog <br />97 Pond has showed significant decline in the past couple years. She stated that she <br />98 understands funding is an issue but stated that she feels that water quality needs to <br />99 be high on the priority list. <br />100 <br />101 Joe Inensen 875 Transit Avenue <br />102 Mr. Inensen stated that he is a new resident to the area and stated that he used to <br />103 live by Como Park and stated that water body was at one time very dirty and was <br />104 eventually cleaned up. He suggested that might be a good comparison to look at to <br />105 see what was done to clean up the water. <br />106 <br />107 Chair Cihacek asked if there were any short-term solutions to improving the water <br />108 quality and asked what the appropriate steps would be. <br />109 <br />110 Ms. Anderson Wenz questioned whether Chair Cihacek was asking about Frog <br />111 Pond or Lake Bennett. <br />112 <br />113 Chair Cihacek replied that it seemed like more people were concerned with Frog <br />114 Pond but he would like to hear solutions for both water bodies. <br />115 <br />116 Ms. Anderson Wenz stated that Frog Pond is not the focus of the TMDL for Lake <br />117 Bennett but all solutions mentioned in the presentation could also be applied to Frog <br />118 Pond. She stated that improving the water quality of Lake Bennett would in turn <br />119 improve the water quality of Frog Pond. She clarified that the TMDL study <br />120 although conducted in 2005 is only one piece of the many years of data that have <br />121 been conducted over years regarding the Lake Bennett Study. Ms. Anderson Wenz <br />122 explained that solutions, which are aimed at the source, take time to implement and <br />123 stated that things put into Frog Pond may end up getting flushed out. She stated that <br />124 the watershed aims at targeting the source of impairment, it does not focus on short - <br />125 term solutions that target internal loads. <br />126 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />
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