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City of Roseville <br />• 2 -Population is 2,000 to 2,999 <br />• 1 -Population is 500 to 1,999 <br />• 0 -Population is less than 500 <br />AND <br />Total employment within 1/4 mile of pathway <br />• 3 -Employment is 3,000 or greater <br />• 2 -Employment is 2,000 to 2,999 <br />• 1 -Employment is 100 to 1,999 <br />• 0 -Employment is less than 100 <br />Measurement tool: US Census Block Dataset <br />Pathway Master Plan <br />3) Connects to regional system. <br />Provides linkage to the larger network of pathways that extend beyond Roseville. The <br />pathway serves longer trips within Roseville and into neighboring cities. <br />• 3 -Regional corridor (county road, regional/state trail, RBTN route) <br />• 2 -Local pathway that directly connects to regional corridor or Parks & <br />Recreation System Master Plan Trails and Parks Constellation Link. <br />• 1 -Pathway provides local connection only <br />Measurement tool: City's Pathway map and regional bikeways mapping <br />4) Addresses a gap or barrier in the transportation network. <br />Addresses a pathway network gap along the transportation network and/or crosses a <br />major barrier. Eliminates a major barrier or safety concern in the pathway network <br />that may inhibit bicycle or pedestrian travel. <br />• 5 -Provides enhanced safe crossing (grade separated or improved <br />intersection) of major highway (1-35W, TH 36, Snelling Avenue) or railroad <br />• 4 -Completes pathway along A -Minor Arterial roadway <br />• 3 -Completes pathway along Other Arterial roadway <br />• 2 -Completes pathway along Major Collector roadway <br />• 1 -Completes pathway along a Local roadway <br />Measurement tool: City's Roadway Functional Classification Map <br />5) Connects to Transit <br />Connects bus stops, transit hubs, or provides a connection to othertransit. <br />• 3 -Transit Center or park and ride within 1/4 mile of pathway <br />• 2-A-BRT Station within 1/4 mile of pathway <br />• 1 -Bus stop within 1/4 mile of pathway <br />Page 30 <br />