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Roseville Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission <br />Agenda Item <br />Date: June 26, 2018 Item No: 7 <br />Item Description: City Council Joint Meeting Discussion Items <br />Background: <br />The PWETC is scheduled for its annual joint meeting with the City Council on July 9, 2018. We ask <br />that the Commission create a list of the topics to discuss with the City Council and staff will include <br />them in the July 9th Council packet. Attached is the 2017 Council Action from the Commission's <br />discussion with the Council last year. Also attached is a list of topics presented at the PWET <br />Commission meetings over the last 12 months as well as a list of topics from the Council from last <br />year's Joint Meeting. <br />Each year, the Public Works, Environment, and Transportation Commission meets with the City <br />Council to review activities and accomplishments and to discuss the upcoming year's work plan and <br />issues that may be considered. <br />Activities and accomplishments: <br />o Pathway Master Plan Update <br />o Transportation Plan Update <br />Work Plan items for the upcoming year: <br />o Use of Solar to offset the City's electric consumption <br />Questions or Concerns for the City Council: <br />Recommended Action: <br />Create list of discussion items for the City Council meeting <br />Attachments: <br />A. 2017 Council Action <br />B. 2017-2018 PWETC Meeting Topic Review <br />C. Review of Highlighted Items from 2017 Joint Meeting <br />