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2018-7-12_PR Comm Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation Commission
2018-7-12_PR Comm Packet
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7/6/2018 3:13:25 PM
Creation date
7/6/2018 3:13:18 PM
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es for es for <br /> es es <br /> on on <br /> ons and ons and <br /> ons or ons or <br /> on opportuni on opportuni <br /> al loca al loca <br /> ons for new park and ons for new park and <br /> on measures include the on measures include the <br /> es to achieve equitable es to achieve equitable <br /> ga ga <br /> es, and cultures. es, and cultures. <br /> ng parkland and open space. ng parkland and open space. <br /> es. es. es in redevelopment areas as part es in redevelopment areas as part <br /> onal park land in neighborhoods and onal park land in neighborhoods and <br /> ons that are lacking adequate parks and ons that are lacking adequate parks and <br /> on of replacement parkland of equal or on of replacement parkland of equal or <br /> es undergo a change of use and/or density, es undergo a change of use and/or density, <br /> on process to acquire appropriate land. on process to acquire appropriate land. <br /> on facili on facili on facili on facili <br />greater size and value.greater size and value.Policy 3.2: As areas of Roseville evolve, and Policy 3.2: As areas of Roseville evolve, and properproperland should be dedicated to the <br /> community for land should be dedicated to the community for park purposes to ensure adequate park facilipark purposes to ensure adequate park facilithose new uses.those new uses.Policy <br /> 3.3: Determine potenPolicy 3.3: Determine potenacquire addiacquire addiconstellaconstellarecrearecreaPolicy 3.4: Determine locaPolicy 3.4: Determine locarecrearecreaof the redevelopment <br /> process and use the park of the redevelopment process and use the park dedicadedica <br />Goal 3Goal 3Parks and Open Space AcquisiParks and Open Space Acquisi Add new parks and faciliAdd new parks and faciliaccess in all neighborhoods, accommodate the access in all neighborhoods, <br /> accommodate the ƓĻĻķƭ ƚŅ ƩĻķĻǝĻƌƚƦźƓŭ ğƩĻğƭͲ ğƓķ ƒĻĻƷ ƩĻƭźķĻƓƷƭ ƓĻĻķƭ ƚŅ ƩĻķĻǝĻƌƚƦźƓŭ ğƩĻğƭͲ ğƓķ ƒĻĻƷ ƩĻƭźķĻƓƷƭ desires for a range of recreadesires for a range of recreaserving all <br /> ages, abiliserving all ages, abiliPolicy 3.1: Ensure that no net loss of parkland Policy 3.1: Ensure that no net loss of parkland or open space occurs during alteraor open space occurs <br /> during alteradisplacement of exisdisplacement of exisIf adverse impacts to parkland or open space take If adverse impacts to parkland or open space take place, ensure that miplace, <br /> ensure that miacquisiacquisi <br /> ict <br />Ť <br /> ons. <br /> es so <br /> ga <br /> on of features <br /> on programs. <br /> es. Consider the <br /> er lower lifecycle <br /> vi <br /> cance when they are <br />ŋ <br /> es that minimize the <br /> ǝĻƌǤ ƭǒƦƦƚƩƷ wƚƭĻǝźƌƌĻƭ <br /> me. <br /> ve methods for park and <br /> al cost is higher. Develop <br /> ĻƭΓƷŷƚƭĻ ƚƦĻƓ Ʒƚ ğƓǤƚƓĻ źƓ <br /> ces. <br /> vi <br /> on facili <br />ements that o <br />ov <br /> al of historic landscapes in parks, including <br /> ed through recognized inves <br />ŋ <br /> <br />physical focus of parks and recreaPolicy 2.4: Organize all parks and facilithat a component is provided for informal, non-programmed acthe community, at any Policy 2.5: Maintain parks <br /> and open space according to the standards outlined in the Park Maintenance Manual which recognizes that levels of service must be provided based on the intensity of use and purpose <br /> of the site.Policy 2.6: Use innovafacility imprcosts, even if the inipark and recreamaintenance demands on the City by emphasizing the development of well-planned parks, high-quality <br /> materials and labor-saving maintenance devices and pracPolicy 2.7: Promote and support volunteerism to encourage people to acparks and open spaces.Policy 2.8: Encourage the preservain <br /> parks considered to be of historic or cultural value, especially those features that do not conwith other park uses and acpotenagricultural landscapes or features. Work to perpetuate <br /> those landscapes and other features of historic or cultural signiiden <br /> ce <br /> ve <br /> al part of our <br /> es that take <br /> es preferred, <br /> vi <br /> vi <br /> on, age, and diversity <br /> ng art and cultural <br /> on experiences, and <br /> ǩĻƓƭ ƒĻƓƷğƌ ğƓķ <br /> nancially sound system <br />ŋ <br /> es. <br /> onal ac <br /> me available, and best prac <br /> es and ac <br /> ty and character. <br /> on needs of all city residents, <br /> vi <br /> Ļƭ Ǟŷźĭŷ ğĭĭƚƒƒƚķğƷĻ ğķǒƌƷƭ <br /> on <br /> es that focus on community building <br /> vi <br /> es for incorpora <br /> vi <br /> on opportuni <br /> onal ac <br /> es teaching them life-long skills, and exposing <br /> ect changes in popula <br /> onal well-being, as a complement to primary <br />Ť <br /> vi <br /> ers a visual/physical diversion from the hard <br />Goal 2Parks Development, Redevelopment, and Rehabilita Provide a high-quality, of parks, open spaces, trails, and waterways that meets the recreaosurfacing of urban development, enhances <br /> our quality of life, and forms an essenĭƚƒƒǒƓźƷǤƭ źķĻƓPolicy 2.1: Evaluate and refurbish parks, as needed, to reof residents, recreaamount of leisure designs and technologies, and <br /> asset management strategies.Policy 2.2: Orient parks and programs equally to youth acacthem to a variety of recreato adult acneeds for wellness and provide a range of social interacPolicy <br /> 2.3: Focus parks on passive and acrecreaadvantage of the unique natural features. Pursue opportuniprograms, which enrich ciemo <br />11 <br /> <br />
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