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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 18,2018 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Councilmember McGehee. But the City Manager is there to manage the day-to- <br /> day operations to the City, and he sees this request falling within that scope. <br /> City Manager Gaughan suggested an appropriate Council motion would be to ap- <br /> prove the Administration Department reorganization department as presented and <br /> authorize staff to begin the process of recruiting and filling the newly created po- <br /> sitions since that includes elimination of the HR Manager position. <br /> Etten moved, Laliberte seconded, approval of the Administration Department re- <br /> organization department as presented and authorization of staff to begin the pro- <br /> cess of recruiting and filling the newly created positions. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Etten commented this addresses a number of organizational <br /> needs. He understands the points brought up about eliminating the position of a <br /> good employee,but there are many different organizational needs being ad- <br /> dressed. That is what City Manager Trudgeon has been tasked with. He appreci- <br /> ates that the City will hopefully get more done within the HR department and <br /> within Administration in general. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted the Council has tasked the City Manager with <br /> running the City on a day-to-day basis. Unless there are policies related to a par- <br /> ticular action, the Council should not pick apart what any individual Coun- <br /> cilmember agrees with and disagrees with. The City Manager review was recent- <br /> ly held, and one request was to look at the organizational structure. She supports <br /> the recommendation. She agrees that there are still opportunities to look organi- <br /> zation-wide and also within Administration to ensure the City is being serviced in <br /> the best way possible. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated she does not object to the recommendation; ra- <br /> ther, she objects to the chosen process for this decision and how it has been han- <br /> dled. She finds this very lacking and she is disappointed. However, it is the City <br /> Manager's prerogative to do what he will, and she would advise that it is better to <br /> discuss as a partner and not to issue edicts in the future. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed support for the motion, as he appreciates the City Manag- <br /> er's responsiveness to improving efficiencies in the organization. He believes the <br /> City Manager and Assistant City Manager have tried to be conscious of issues and <br /> concerns about the process, ultimately recognizing there is a significant change <br /> embodied in this recommendation. In the end, this will be the best outcome for <br /> everyone,but it does not always seem that way in the midst of it. <br /> Roll Call <br />