Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Questioning+Pride Week
<br /> June 21-27
<br /> Whereas, The City of Roseville has adopted the goals of Imagine Roseville 2025,declaring that Roseville is a
<br /> welcoming community that appreciates differences and fosters diversity within our community; and
<br /> Whereas, To achieve this goal the City supports the vibrancy all bring to Roseville and their many
<br /> contributions to the health of the city;works to educate community members on diversity issues and
<br /> provide means to repair damage caused by prejudice; convey a clear message that intolerance is not
<br /> welcome in our community, and honors individuals and groups who contribute to the community; and
<br /> Whereas, It has become a tradition for communities across America to recognize their lesbian,gay,
<br /> bisexual, transgender, and questioning+(LGBTQ+)residents during the month of June; and
<br /> Whereas, LGBTQ+people, as the rainbow flag symbolizes, come from every group,religion, ethnicity, age,
<br /> occupation, ability/disability, size and shape; and
<br /> Whereas, Members of the Roseville LGBTQ+community have always served as valuable members of our
<br /> country in every capacity as homeowners, taxpayers, members of the military,business owners,parents and
<br /> employees; and
<br /> Whereas, LGBTQ+residents have enriched the diverse community of Roseville through their participation in
<br /> city government, the arts,religious and civil institutions, education and community organizations; and
<br /> Whereas, Roseville's LGBTQ+residents, their friends and their families believe that all people deserve to be
<br /> protected from bullying and harassment; and
<br /> Whereas, LGBTQ+community allies,including the Roseville Area High School Gay Straight Alliance,
<br /> provide support and encouragement to Roseville youth with the assistance of School District staff and
<br /> administration; and
<br /> Whereas, We recognize the contributions that lesbian, gay,bisexual, transgender, and questioning+people and
<br /> their families make to our society and reaffirm our commitment to promoting full equality for every resident of
<br /> our great city.
<br /> Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the City Council hereby declares June 21-27, 2010 to be LGBTQ+Pride
<br /> Week in the City of Roseville, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota,U.S.A.
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