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Attachment B <br />Excerpt from Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 9, 2018 <br />Page 1 <br />1 <br />2 <br />3 b. Consider Approval of Pathway Master Plan <br />4 City Engineer Freihammer briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA <br />5 and related attachments dated July 9, 2018. He noted this plan was last updated in <br />6 2008. This update was done as part of the Comp Plan update, and the Pathway <br />7 Master Plan will be included as an appendix to the Comp Plan. He noted the <br />8 PWET Commission took the lead on the update, and the process i luded an open <br />9 house and a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. F ued that the <br />10 majority of the pathways are off-road pathways such as trails or sidewalks. A va- <br />11 riety of sources were used to fund pathways. He highlighted some segments <br />12 completed since 2008. <br />13 <br />14 City Engineer Freihammer also presented then ly titled "Path reference <br />15 Plan," which is established by a scoring meth inc�ng the foll ing six crite- <br />16 ria: <br />17 <br />18 1. Connects to multiple destinations 1/4 mile of the pathway. One <br />19 point for each type of use. 0-5 points po <br />20 2. Volume of usage. Based on employment a sidential population within <br />21 1/4 mile of the pathway segment. 0-3 poi for the employment and 0-3 <br />22 points for the population. <br />23 3. Connects to regional system. 11' t e gment is a regional trail it scores 3 <br />24 points, if it connects to a Tonal trail or is a constellation link it scores 2 <br />25 points and if it is a local it it scores 1 point. <br />26 4. Addresses a gap or barri ' the transportation network. Based on classi- <br />27 fication of the roadway the higher the roadway classification the more <br />28 points it scores (1-5 <br />29 5.Annects to tran e higher level of transit the more points the segment <br />30 scores from 1-3 <br />31 Connects high-density residential to transit or parks. Segments get addi- <br />32 nal points up to 5 points for the number of units within 1/8 or 1/4 mile <br />33 a park or transit location. <br />34 <br />35 Council ember McGehee suggested a higher ranking for pathways near elemen- <br />36 tary s ols. <br />37 <br />38 Engineer Freihammer stated that concern has not come up with residents or <br />39 ith PWET. But if Council felt it was the direction it wanted to go, the point sys- <br />40 tem could be adjusted. <br />41 <br />42 Councilmember Willmus noted a lot of elementary schools right now do have <br />43 fairly good connections. <br />44 <br />