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Roseville Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission <br />Agenda Item <br />Date: July 24, 2018 <br />Item Description: Met Council I&I Grant Program Application <br />Item No: 6 <br />Background: <br />Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) is currently requesting proposals for the <br />Inflow and Infiltration Demonstration Project Grant. The focus of the grant is on projects that <br />demonstrate the effectiveness of I&I rehabilitation techniques that focus on reduction of I&I <br />from private infrastructure, namely sewer service laterals that connect homes and businesses to <br />the municipal sewer systems and improperly connected sump pumps. <br />One large requirement of the grant is the ability of the recipient to provide pre -rehabilitation and <br />post -rehabilitation monitoring in order to quantify and document the achieved flow reduction. As <br />the Commission is aware City staff have been documenting sewer flows throughout the City for <br />2 years now and have the equipment to complete pre -rehabilitation and post -rehabilitation <br />monitoring. <br />City staff believes that a sanitary sewer service lining project in the City of Roseville would meet <br />all the requirements and be a good candidate for this grant program. The grant is for up to <br />$500,000 and requires a 100% match from the grantee. <br />Recommended Action: <br />Review grant opportunity and ask questions/provide comments. <br />Attachments: <br />A. MCES REP for Inflow and Infiltration Demonstration Project Grant <br />