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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 23, 2018 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Mayor Roe stated there will be several additional opportunities for folks to provide feed- <br /> back and response about the budget and levy before the end of the year. <br /> Bob Cardinal,2497 Adele Street, Maplewood, <br /> Mr. Cardinal stated he has a friend present, Ron Linebarger, who is the son of Gale Line- <br /> barger, Mayor of Roseville from 1972-1975. Ron is active in the American Legion at <br /> Rosetown, and Mr. Cardinal is here to present a flyer about a celebration on August 25tH <br /> There will be a celebration for the 100th National Convention of the American Legion, <br /> which is in Minneapolis the following week. He invited anyone who is a veteran to at- <br /> tend. <br /> 5. Recognitions, Donations, and Communications <br /> 6. Items Removed from Consent Agenda <br /> 7. Business Items <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 6:11 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 6:13 p.m. <br /> a. Planning Commission Meeting with the City Council <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed the members of the Planning Commission(PC). <br /> Planning Commission Chair Murphy thanked the Council for meeting tonight. <br /> Members Gitzen, Bull, Sparby, Groff, Kimble, and Daire introduced themselves <br /> and indicated their length of service on the Commission. <br /> Chair Murphy discussed the accomplishments of the PC this year: extensive work <br /> on the 2040 Comp Plan update; the design and dimension standards for the multi- <br /> family, residential and business district; Conditional Use for Portillo's and Chick- <br /> fil-A with drive-throughs at two shopping centers; the PUD at Centre Point, about <br /> which the PC reached different conclusions than the Council; and continued in- <br /> volvement in the Rice Street-Larpenteur project. <br /> Vice Chair Bull recalled a text amendment before the PC a few weeks ago, and <br /> there is another one coming on the agenda soon. He has had a discussion with <br /> planning staff of how to give the applicants some guidance when a text amend- <br /> ment is necessary. They are often confused about a Conditional Use or whether <br /> it is a permitted use. If there is something the staff or PC can do to help the appli- <br /> cant, that would be very beneficial. <br /> Mayor Roe commented he has also had conversations with the planning staff <br /> about that process. Perhaps that qualifies as a zoning change in terms of having <br />