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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 23,2018 <br /> Page 8 <br /> have to be taken into account, and that will be figured out with the consultant and <br /> stakeholders going forward. <br /> Community Development Director Collins added that an external entity coming in <br /> will have the ability to look at the corridor without borders and to work with all <br /> the stakeholders, vs. someone employed by a jurisdiction. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment, with no one coming for- <br /> ward. <br /> Etten moved, Willmus seconded, approval of Adopt the Rice-Larpenteur Vision <br /> Plan(Attachment A). <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> c. Consider Authorizing Staff to Solicit Bids to remodel the City Hall Willow- <br /> Conference Room in order to Relocate the Roseville Historical Society <br /> City Manager Trudgeon summarized the request as detailed in the RCA of this <br /> date. He recalled that at the June 19, 2017 City Council meeting, the City Council <br /> directed staff to work with the Roseville Historical Society to find it a permanent <br /> home within City Hall. As a result of that direction, in the past year, he has <br /> worked with the Roseville Historical Society in determining that the current Wil- <br /> low Room will be repurposed for the Roseville Historical Society. He pointed out <br /> the remodeling of the Willow Room will create a small conference room with <br /> seating for around 36 people that will be available for use by staff and others. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon explained that the initial estimate for the proposal is <br /> $69,253.84. Based upon the agreement, Roseville Historical Society will contrib- <br /> ute $49,648.25 29 and the City of Roseville will contribute $19,605.59. For the <br /> City's share of the costs, he suggested taking that out of the General Fund Re- <br /> serves. Furniture replacement for the Willow Room is already programmed in the <br /> CIP. He noted that since January of this year, the Willow Room has not been <br /> made available for public use as users have been relocated to different rooms on <br /> the City campus or at the Skating Center. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon noted that Councilmember McGehee emailed him a re- <br /> quest to table this item, as the full Council is not present and alternatives should <br /> be considered. From his viewpoint, this is one step in the process. The next step <br /> is for staff to solicit quotes, after which the proposal will be brought back to the <br /> Council again. He thought it was worthwhile to bring forward prior to getting the <br /> quotes. He knows the Historical Society has been very patient, as it has taken a <br /> lot longer than they wanted. <br />