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<br /> <br /> <br />Definition and Process: <br /> <br />As defined by the Tamarack Institute, community engagement is the process by which citizens are <br />engaged to work and learn together on behalf of their communities to create and realize bold visions for <br />the future. <br />An organization might want to engage the community for one of several reasons: <br />To inform community members about an initiative. <br />To gather input from the community on a specific topic, proposal, or initiative. <br />To collaborate with the community to generate solutions. <br />To partner with the community to co-create solutions to community issues. <br />An important step in successfully engaging the community is to determine the purpose for the engaged <br />effort, community that purpose, and design the engagement activities to achieve your intended <br />purpose. <br />The Roseville City Council has requested that the HRIEC evaluates current community engagement <br />efforts and provide guidance related to future engagement of diverse audiences The HRIEC is well <br />positioned to do this work utilizing a phased approached. The first phase of the work will require the <br />commission to understand the demographic make-up of the city. The Roseville 2040 Comprehensive <br />plan provides an in-depth community profile which details information related to the people who live in <br />the community and profiles past and future growth trends. This information can be viewed at: <br /> This <br />information will allow the commission to recommend strategies and engagement tactics that are <br />specific to the City of Roseville. <br />In addition to understanding the demographic make-up of the community, it will also be important to <br />learn what community engagement currently looks like in the city, what has worked in the past, and <br />what could be done better, what groups are currently being engaged, and what groups are not. To gain <br />this information, a survey of city departments and interviews with key staff will be the best way to <br />answer the following questions: <br />How do they interact with the community? <br />o What is the demographic profile of the groups they currently engage with? <br />o What groups are missing from their engagement efforts? <br />How would like to engage or interact with the community? <br />How are they/have they successfully engaged the community? <br />o Describe the initiative. <br />o What was the intended purpose of the engagement effort? <br />o What was the audience they engaged? <br />o How did they engage the community? <br /> <br />