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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
11/29/2018 10:49:01 AM
Creation date
11/29/2018 10:46:26 AM
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Public Works Commission
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307 Chair Cihacek stated that given two of the categories are given to the City by <br />308 other parties that the City has no control over he would encourage making <br />309 considerations to accelerate some of the revenues, so the City can get in front of <br />310 any infrastructure costs. He thought the process was meeting City needs today <br />311 but if the City looks at accelerating what would the City save long term or if <br />312 something were to happen is there enough in the Capital Reserves to work on a <br />313 larger area He would recommend staff looking back to see if there is any <br />314 consideration to increasing revenues to allow for faster infrastructure replacement. <br />315 <br />316 Mr. Freihammer stated staff is looking out twenty years in the Capital <br />317 Improvement Plan and are trying to account for all costs that are out for twenty <br />318 years. He stated everything cannot be accounted for such as a citywide major <br />319 disaster, but Roseville has been around long enough, and staff has a pretty good <br />320 idea how long things last and when replacement is needed. <br />321 <br />322 Chair Cihacek stated theoretically, the City knows I&I is a problem so is there <br />323 enough revenue to actually tackle that problem. <br />324 <br />325 Mr. Freihammer thought the City was tackling it fairly aggressively. It could be <br />326 expanded and done quicker but staff thinks in the next fifteen to sixteen years <br />327 most of the pipes in the City will be lined. Most of the City's lift stations will be <br />328 designed to a very modern design. <br />329 <br />330 Chair Cihacek encouraged staff to look at raising some of the rates to give the <br />331 City a little more of a greener edge so the City can be more proactive or more <br />332 aggressive if the situation requires it. <br />333 <br />334 Mr. Freihammer stated the Met Council actually charges the City after the fact, so <br />335 the City cannot increase rates to meet the increase. The Met Council charges the <br />336 City based on what was done in the previous year which is why the City typically <br />337 matches what the Met Council charges the City. <br />338 <br />339 Mr. Sandstrom thought right now, especially the sanitary sewer is a perfect storm <br />340 where a lot of lift stations were upgraded in a period of five years and Met <br />341 Council raised their rates four to five percent for a couple of years. Going <br />342 forward the City will have less lift stations to be upgraded and the City should see <br />343 the increases go down and as the lift stations get improved the City can repurpose <br />344 some of the money currently being used for upgrades. He thought the City does <br />345 have a game plan. <br />346 <br />347 Chair Cihacek stated another recommendation he would have is there should be a <br />348 note that the Commission is asking for a rate change whether it is addressed as a <br />349 vote or not. At least the City Council will get some notice that the Commission <br />350 will be asking staff to reconsider these rates at some point in the future. He <br />351 recommended putting them into two separate items at the same meeting in order <br />352 to really address it at that time. <br />Page 8 of 15 <br />
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