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City Council Meeting Minutes
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1/31/2019 3:14:45 PM
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1/31/2019 3:11:20 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 7, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Councilmember Etten asked what some of the issues were that have been brought <br /> forward. <br /> Mr. Paschke stated it was his understanding, as it relates to Roseville Lutheran, <br /> that the windows need to be egress windows and the spaces being utilized for the <br /> housing, lodging, the overnight stay for the homeless are not designed for that <br /> type of use under the Building or Fire Codes. There are a number of things that <br /> would have to be reviewed and looked at to decide whether or not improvements <br /> would need to be made to support those uses to being permitted similar to what <br /> Maplewood has done as it relates to their process. Modifications were made to <br /> the church there in order for them to get a separate and distinct Certificate of Oc- <br /> cupancy supporting that use, going through the Conditional Use process. He ex- <br /> plained there are some things that can be done but it would require time and addi- <br /> tional money. The Interim Use process was, at least in the short term, the best <br /> way to at least support the churches moving forward with the City's understand- <br /> ing that the churches have the beds and overnight shelter. Staff did talk about <br /> ways to modify the Code to support this in the future but that takes time as well. <br /> Mayor Roe stated as a follow up, anything that might need to be done as a modi- <br /> fication to the building, even with the Interim Use approval to cover the use on <br /> the zoning side of things, there still could be things that need to be done as <br /> through the building process. <br /> Mr. Paschke answered that from an Interim Use perspective, no. <br /> Mayor Roe stated if there is an Interim Use and the churches want to go ahead in <br /> February and provide shelter for people, are there modifications that need to be <br /> made. <br /> Mr. Paschke indicated there were not as far as he was aware. He thought the issue <br /> would be if the churches wanted these to be permanent uses. Then there becomes <br /> a conflict with the use not being consistent with the Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> Mayor Roe stated related to process, if the City has gone through an Interim Use <br /> process to the point of consideration by the City Council, and if the fee is sup- <br /> posed to have a nexus with the cost to process the application, the City is at the <br /> point where it has done all of the things to process the application that the fee is <br /> supposed to cover. So, if a new process is started, he asked if there would be an- <br /> other fee or would the City initiate it and not charge another fee for a Zoning Text <br /> Amendment. He indicated he would like some guidance in regard to precedence <br /> of equal treatment of equal applicants and whether there is a concern of waiving <br /> the fee in this case, that there might be an issue of unequal treatment of appli- <br /> cants. <br />
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