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<br />VILi~'~~E CC:"FCIL ('7 ~~.C~,~7=i.:L~ <br />il8¿;Llcr [~leeti~b,T-l¿':~~C~r1.2' ,iTcY'/.lSt1-1)1:.ìI~d at ~. FH <br /> <br />34 <br /> <br />..- -- - - -_.__._~----~-_..._._--_..---_..__._--- ----..---.-. .------..- ~_.,--_...------ <br /> <br />~'r~e \lill..'l[;'3 Cou.l~~c=-l 'c.::.::t cn ·~ts ¿::'c1ove Ôato in regulc.I' s(~f'~ion ·y'/itlrl <br />th,.,:; L c11cr, irlg .11~l;-lber~ r~l?~:(>;'~lt: ,::'1..: e2.1E.:r J i ·~~~-.'11- re z, FG 'i~hell, Ea;~1.n8r.3 t~n cn(~ Car120!1. <br />Irp r':3ror:, attGrrle~r vv2~ OlEO p:::'esent. ¡');elI2r pres':'d~-;(;. <br /> <br />?:~ü cl,-~r\: re2å the í::i'l"Ü;S ')f t~1e < l'ev3_',y~~ ;:,E;e+inG imd on rl10tio:! l::y <br />:.~'J¿;11er,seconc1cd 1~;y Pothen,t~~'J~"- v-rc-.:-c :J~,~:rover F~2 rt~~d.f:.oll c211:~^'). <br /> <br />An applic3tion ','ith -~.22 r~'C[ J.I.Ar.l"tr()n~ "m(~ A.Earl Allbooò. <br />owners of -:he~'IY'2Y TrR~hT c,::.. ,~59q ~;o.le::Ünb~':-'c .\v'· for a lic..::--.c·c to <br />operate a tr-si] er car.lp a,s ~~To\r=-1':'r1 in C~,(1i~~é":1Ce ;Jo.111 aGoptec; b:r :,he Village <br />Council was rear: '0:/ :the clerk.C2rlsor. ;:¡ov¡;d,Seco;lc'r>d by f:am!T1ers":,cn to authorize <br />the iss'Ulli1ce of a license u:¡::on inspection end arproval of the Village r s Health <br />no~'r'd ~o'l ~~ll.^'·es /r') '¡-,,--, ""') <br />~I 'c:t. .1....1. \..." c-- . J1.",,/' - \ :;J , ~ . (... <. ,'- - \. '-, fI <br /> <br />"~\::!:itrez i:lO"ldc.,~~eCCTì'-·.\:·è Cn.:'lson to aè.o'C,t t~'ie £'o11.'Jìr,-':"Lg r·e~olu-/.~,~'')~"i& <br />Ron Call;A:'es-(5),~Jp_ys-(C). <br />I{SSOLVE:1, thet '1~,:1~~_ !12r18 ~,.¡, -~~,:-.e s~rcet locateÖ :.!; t,he 'IrTill¿]Gc~ C,l <br />~'{oseville,ì1cvr ~c~cyvn 2c :~cr~J[Il ,A.\"'f~)~)C an~';_ i.t :'(~;.."'ç1y;,7 ~s ~2}~~:L2)cd +0 <br />Sê'_nl~}1ur.s t :=;ri -¡i;. <br /> <br />it:/Ct'::l't =t. ~.'¡2.1lln JL.L . :ii:1J0SC"t0. ,¡\Vt.~ :;"~3cu¿;stec e.r:. (1.xtcn~·:'OL. to Y'c~i(.:e <br />in 2 br~r 2be on a Sr)G c.ia} !_~;PY"Ji t .;: ¿)j:i'~ler~~~ ten '-lCV:3C:) se CCGC: ed e'y Fothe~l t c ox..!.~ C~'; ,,; <br />tt-.,~_,:- :::"l",ll't ,r:.. T'(-"~+h'" frr<: +~'i c: r:~J-,~ :-('011 ('"1]. '\vo~_r'C:\) ',¡~,,"'-(':ì <br />l._~. .......... ~.J H..jl...~,J. 1.... ,..iJ.'J. ,.-,~.j._..~ "-'c't...........e....J.. .1____ ...t1....:".,.,.0 \..." ,...d...... "-- '-',. <br /> <br />:.:1...'211 sr ¡'~¡OTi(~ 'i J (~.. S :::CE( (-;c: ?ct :-J.en -t.o rev-ci~e or ibinal :SC,ISS ~l Dt <br />ôlld ¡J.ccept revised pInt c211(;d 1\rois~~ .~(~.òi t~on ~Jc'.l ì'ri t:l i:l2trl.:ctio~ to ch2Il¿;e <br />the nW:J.8 of licrL1B11 ;'y~ to S~mc;)r",:'.st Dr:,','e on the rev::':::cÔ plAt.Roll CéÙl;A;Yt,[-(5), <br />:~a:.rf:-( C). <br /> <br />i~ê.úJr:ler~ten mo·\reè., sccC'n.ccÖ C\;i I""othen the t,te :ol~o7}inb r2so11..:.t~~cn ~f~~ <br />élr~0:oÜ~r'.P..oll c211;Ayes-(S),T'a~ 2-~:-:-). <br /> <br />RESOLVED, '!'hst the ant!u'll ·1::":12<38 clecticc for the hll~6e c: <br />R.oseville be hclè. on ;'::c(:8;¡1~)er 7th,194t3 ?t th" TTillage Hollon <br />lIaI[Ùine o:'le an~ CO'L:.:"lt:/ ?oJ.( "I3" ?r1r2 t't(~ rü11s !""or sai(~ elr..)ction <br />'be cpcn '~Je+-,Y·ie.:::;r~ t~le l~~":Lrs of '): CC ¡\. ~<. é.nc1 J: 80 ?:.:. j that the <br />follovvin¿; off:'cet 2rc to ')(: fillcd at f:aÜl election: <br />One Village Clerk,Cne :ru~tce,Cne Con2t&ble,One Justice of the PeRce. <br /> <br />R:&..';OLVSD FURTHER, th.::t ¿ cory o!: ~:his resolution be posted at +:he <br />follo-wing r:lac8s wi thin the VillaGe h;;r the Clerk at leaEt Ten (lQ) <br />ùa:rs prior to said election: <br />Haraline [.: Co.!lò. "3", Victoria :~ Larpenteur, So.~lcCarrons BIoD .:;.: Wooèruff Ave. <br /> <br />J,iueller moved, seconded by' Hó:rn:1ersten that the following resolution <br />be adorted.Roll Call: Ayes-( 5), Na;ys-( 0). : <br />RESOLVED th~t the :'ol1owing quedion be subrrÓ.. t tee: at an advisory <br />election: " c ; <br />"Shall the VillaGe of Roseville establish a l'¡!unicipal Liq:.~or store? " <br />RESOLVED that said question be subrnitteè at the Annual Village Election <br />to 1:)e held on Dec8r:1ber 7th,191.¡B at the Villai;.c Eall,Harnline & Co.Rè.!tE" <br />aDd the po-.Dls for sHd election be o:¡::en beÞ"!een the hours 0: ;; A1.~ 2ì 8 PM. <br />RESOLVSD further, that 8 copy of this resolution be posted at the <br />follovring places within the Village by the Clerk at least ten (10) days <br />prior to said election: <br />HaJline & Co.Rd.B, Victoria & Larpenteur, So.McCarrons Bld. ~ Woodruff Ave. <br /> <br />Carlson moved, se~oD('ec1 by ~['UGller to continue this meeting to 8 0 r cleek P.IIl. <br />qoll call :Þ.Xe;:o- (;;), na';E:-( 0). <br />