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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
2/28/2019 11:49:59 AM
Creation date
2/28/2019 11:49:43 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Mr. Culver stated the consultant is recommending the City implement the <br />geometric improvements and minor pedestrian improvements at Lydia in addition <br />to the City's currently planned C2 improvements. He indicated the City will work <br />with MnDOT on some additional signal timing adjustments. It is imperative for <br />the City to go through a larger community discussion relative to the long-term <br />vision of Snelling Avenue. <br />Mr. Culver stated staff is planning to go to the City Council with a similar <br />presentation in February and see what the Council is willing to do or wants to do <br />but staff recommendation, at this point, is to probably let go of the Federal Aid <br />project and do the smaller improvements to see what benefits the City gets after the <br />manage lane project. <br />Member Joyce asked the City could make a more concentrated effort on County <br />Road C interchange to build that up because it seems like Lydia and C2 are to get <br />out of that congestion and using that as a movement to go north. He stated if the <br />City is going to look at an expansion of the City Campus then he thought the effort <br />should be made to improve County Road C. <br />Mr. Culver stated ideally County Road C and Snelling would be grade separated to <br />create a real interchange like what is at County Road B2. If money were not a <br />factor that is what the City would be looking at doing. The problem with that is <br />beyond the cost, there is local access on various roads so raising County Road C <br />would disturb the local access points close to Snelling. If Snelling were to be raised <br />or lowered the issue would be with the railroad and there is also a very large and <br />expensive high voltage power line running through there. <br />Member Kruse wondered if the congestion on eastbound County Road C would be <br />lower if there was more capacity on Highway 36 and if the modeling would show <br />that being reduced at all. With the proposed improvements on County Road C, is <br />there any thought about putting in right turn lanes as well. <br />Mr. Culver stated in order to get the double left turn lane going east the dedicated <br />right turn lane needed to be eliminated. He thought that was one thing that would <br />be problematic because of the amount of traffic turning there. He noted that is one <br />of the things the City would have to work through. <br />Member Misra asked if the Planning Commission or any other body started to <br />examine the vision of Snelling or as development has been proposed west of <br />Snelling Avenue part of a bigger vision. <br />Mr. Culver stated the Planning Commission is focused on zoning and land uses and <br />permittable land uses in that area. There has not been any specific conversations <br />about trying to reshape Snelling to something else. <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />
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