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<br />80 <br /> <br />iJILIAGE C2!.JJC!L ("11':' ?OS~lIlLE <br />Heeting, Tuesday ,.\'.~6l.'S r. 2~è, 191+9 Gt 2 Pi{ <br /> <br />--------------~----------~---------------- <br /> <br />The Villa¿e Council net OD ::'~~ above c1ete in 2 regulAr~'e3:ion r:i th <br />the followinG memher2 ~,reS'2D t:: :c.::ellc f', );;e;;;èr'] z , :~arr¡;,~e~·~":;,er., CaY'lEo::-, }'othc). Ira <br />Faren Village attorne;;r a.YlÒ ?rank T"e~.nen,Trc~as',l:'e'-' were a.lsC' present. <br /> <br />The Clerk !"~~~?è the .Jinüte~ '.Jf <br />Huelle:::, seco,:.~eè. 'J:.' Carl::cn, tb:y were <br /> <br />t.he :neeting o~ JulJ' 19th and motior. h~' <br />·-:prI"'v;:>,..,:1, a;:: 1'ea,1 POl' ,..a~'· ~V"Q_(~' "r····'" \'0' <br />.. .1- V _ _ .............. .....J. lj _~J...., ,\,...1;",.;..... /j'..'Ç..¡....- )_ <br /> <br />?red Berlin r-eqtie¡:ted a ::pec:.21 permit _. ~~"jil:, a ¿;a.rage with 2. fOù;('ation <br />and live in it until he builds his ho;;¡e.As he ,lid :lot 1-.ale t!:e 1<:)2,21 dssçri~ticn <br />of the proper~TJthi[ mattp.r TIas deferred to the D8Xt reb~lar meeting. <br /> <br />George Frown req').'32 ~eè a. :']Jeci al ::;ermi t to reside in the baser.wrt of t <br />~o.1:e he prOpOE'ef to b'.dld 0(; LO'~2 21-22)31oc:{ 2 JeaI'range':wr.t Como,-12r..:'~uell::;Y' <br />rno'Ted seconded b~- CarlEon to i5¿:L''; J. 3f8cial fl:l'..,it :01' s:'x :;:o¡,ths Stl1",:;ect tc <br />fUJ'l1ishing sign2turas of the adjoiüinb prop~rty OWfE-ro:: ::'n~1ic:.Ü-:i.r:g their a~)::-ro·,¡&l. <br />Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />;\:rs Collins :::eq ';" f ted 3. ::reo;; ~ :J. T-"';L1L~ t to "JO'.'":~ in Uli: hOr.:le ~ he:' i:;.Yt? ':)',:.::'1. c:iY1¿ <br />ar: :r3.~'it Ave We2t of Rii"8 st 8':8n:L:'):,:-:~ hcus~ j è; "ê)C r:r;¡;:l';: -.;t;}(~.].;~lel1,.;~· ::»\""~;., <br />~'eccnded loJ~: Ea~l¡l'J~":; ~.:~~ L,C ~~'a:lt :'·'~~·'J,lt for six ~jo:lt~s.Ro=,l C2Il:.\~¡e~-(~,),,~,:,:,y'::·-(0)~ <br /> <br />..i ~':-~ t:t .J:.i orJ,.·~ ~ ;)¡-::~ t ~8 _: all (~y;~. ~\; ,"!,(; '5 C 1·~J..;: c (~ :' ~~ 31. C::t;l:~; !"'-~.'::7'J ~.~': :._: :~. .: :,!'lti .:..l <br />;:'istrict to a Fllrm Di.:~ rt('~. ','''2:; ¡;~C2(;~(t~,e(~ t.o tne Council: <br />L::,t~ .1)1/),( 9.::>-4 ¿~,26,::?7,23, "31()ck 16 of !!i-:3w2.;;T <br />HilI ~ Recn.'j·;';'l;ei"e;,t of CO:'lO Crar3en LO::3. <br />!y~,,::~1h.....~z moved, ~t>:~onded b,y Cé''';:'}..''t)Yl:'h.:¡t l"eti t::'OD r-e acceDted W;(~ ?'",bli:; Fe3,:;.-j t'1t; }..., <br />had at P",() r~bl,le.r 'TIE:etif1&, "".:::sdr>v \'lg'"~t l,st1-¡ 3.~, 2 'Pt' ~, ::li3 7ilJ.2.¿;2 :bll,TiamliN" <br />,.,.,~ CC''''+'r "'''ad 1j ~oll r'all-. ~"Q~'~- . (~, N':\·""_(r.' - <br />:;.u,J._ ..........t.J.; ..1....... ~~...... ,. v·, .Ji.cI'~J .,.;¡,........-..;~ \...)j. <br /> <br />Pr~ I" J. \oalska.'EH-: nther r'c:òidents in :'he vi:;inH;;r ~f G2rrl~~1 anè ?f!rnwood <br />requested that a sign "SLOW, CH:LDR~J PLAYING" be f~!'ected at the intersection of <br />Garden and Ferm'TOod.Huellel' iIloveè, sé:conded b~T pothen that sign he ordered.Roll:::a'.l <br />Ayes-(;;), Na::s-·( 0). <br />J?,C, <br />Mr.Reed residing or. ~roodru!'f Ave compl.::.i'!Jed abc1.:t washouts durinb hea'J:r <br />rain.:rhs Council members pronised to view the 3.venue; v,i t:r~ the road oversee!'. <br /> <br />!iarrrmersten ::loved, seconded ty Cm:12:-m t}':1:' EAS;:WOOD F!..AT pre<)ented h:;r <br />i¡f. Carley tOGcther with street grades be .::.ccepted.Rol1 Call: AJG3-(S) ,~ays-(()). <br /> <br />The clerk read a letter from Wqhur Ho':f;nann request~ng U:e C;oUJ1ci1 <br />tc take over :or maintena:lce ShrJcr Ave from Dale st to Ale!"1eda and Aler:leda fr;:¡ITl <br />the St.Paul Water Co property line to Ski11;na'1 i:1 Hoffmann's Garden Tracts. The <br />mat ter i~ to be subci t teè to the road ove:::seer for his recomr:lendat~.o!ls. <br /> <br />del Z.Shaers re::;"lested a. Epecial pcr::1it to re:3ide in a \Jé?s3ment.Pothen <br />rr.c,,~d,feconded to grant perrnit on the condition that he furnishes sibnatures of <br />the adjoining property owners and alec lcga.1 descriptio!1 of the propertj·. <br />Roll Call :Ayes(;:;) ,r;a~·s-(O). <br /> <br />Huiras presented a p~tition requesting :XUzxeX0X7.Ng a change in the set <br />back from 30 feet to 10 feet 0f the ~ollowing descri~ed real est2te,to-TIit: <br />'The North 2L;:; feet cf tr.c South !.¡08 feet of the East 110 feet <br />of the ~:'¡e8t no feet of the t1W* 0f the ~~ of Sect.10,T.29,R.23. <br />~í'l:Üler r::oVe(1) secomded by Carlson to accept thi s peli tion and Public ~{e.aring b!( <br />had at t!le next regular meeting, Tuesday ,Auguet 16th at 2 PH. at the V1.l13ge HaLl <br />]anJ.ine and County Road B. Roll Call:A,/Gs(5) !~aYf-(C). <br />