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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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3/15/2019 2:20:55 PM
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Human Rights Commission
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />December 19, 2018 – Draft Minutes <br />Page 4of 14 <br />137 <br />138 Ms. Olson stated the one concern she would have regarding some of that uniformity <br />139 is the Legislative piece because that piece changes year to year, month to month. If <br />140 there is a piece of Legislation that has passed that could be referenced but if there is <br />141 potential pending Legislation or anything to that effect that could have added work in <br />142 how the Commission handles that. <br />143 <br />144 Vice Chair Peterson stated the next question would be if this is something the <br />145 Commission would want to do on a yearly basis or every three to five years. If the <br />146 Commission would want to review the proclamations yearly, then that would have to <br />147 be worked into the Commission work plan for each year as an ongoing item. <br />148 <br />149 Ms. Olson did not know if the review of the proclamations has been done on a <br />150 comprehensive basis such as the Commission is undertaking. She did know that the <br />151 City Council did take a look at the criteria as to what the City Council would consider <br />152 for a proclamation. She did not know if the actual language of the proclamations has <br />153 been reviewed or addressed previously. <br />154 <br />155 Commissioner Bolinger stated this process has been a pretty big undertaking and has <br />156 been a lot of work so she thought the review might be once every three to five years <br />157 because yearly would take away from other things the Commission wants to do. <br />158 <br />159 Vice Chair Peterson agreed and noted the Commission has been working on this for <br />160 over a year and she hoped in the future it will not be as much work if it were to be <br />161 done on a yearly basis, but she agreed it is a fair amount of work. She thought every <br />162 three to five years sounded reasonable to her. <br />163 <br />164 Commissioner Bolinger asked if the Commissioners should go back to the <br />165 proclamations each one reviewed and take a look at them with the bullet points and <br />166 see if the proclamations have a lot of the items in them or should the Commission <br />167 focus on several of the proclamations at a time. <br />168 <br />169 Vice Chair Peterson thought that would be up to the Commission for preference, but <br />170 she thought individually each person could review their proclamation or the <br />171 proclamations could be reviewed in chunks as suggested by the City Council. <br />172 <br />th <br />173 Ms. Olson suggested the Commission could go before the Council on January 14 <br />174 with February’s proclamation or both February and March proclamations if the <br />175 Commission desired. <br />176 <br />177 Vice Chair Peterson asked if there was anything that really stood out on the Black <br />178 History Month Proclamation. <br />179 <br />180 Commissioner Djevi stated he worked on the Black History Month Proclamation and <br />181 it looks different from what he prepared. <br /> <br />
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