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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2019 2:43:01 PM
Creation date
3/22/2019 2:42:06 PM
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Public Works Commission
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m <br />82 Acting Chair Wozniak stated the building code is under the purview of the Planning <br />83 Commission and that Commission would be responsible for enforcing any <br />84 requirements for tree replacement as part of a development. <br />85 <br />86 Mr. Culver stated to address some of the questions. The City is at green step two <br />87 and have been for awhile. He believed the only time the website is updated is when <br />88 there has been notable progress towards the next step. He stated a couple of the <br />89 items on the agenda are directly related to the City's efforts to get to step three. <br />90 Once at step three, to get to steps four and five there is a minimum amount of time <br />91 to get from step three to step four and step five because it is a matter of <br />92 benchmarking, reporting and monitoring the progress on the steps taken in steps <br />93 one through three. He admitted it has taken the City some time to get to where the <br />94 City is, but the City is certainly moving forward hard to get to step three in 2019 <br />95 and then steps four and five will follow shortly after that. <br />96 <br />97 Mr. Culver stated as far as reducing carbon footprint or environmental <br />98 sustainability on a larger picture the City heard Ms. Morton in November 2018 and <br />99 he thought Councilmembers heard Ms. Morton as well and he encouraged Ms. <br />100 Morton to listen to the City Council meeting from February 25, 2019. There was a <br />101 preliminary conversation about the City Council's updated priorities for the <br />102 upcoming years and one of the suggestions was some sort of environmental <br />103 sustainability. <br />104 <br />105 What the City want is to try to bring in an expert to talk to this Commission <br />106 about what other citie ave done to meet the goals and targets and what can <br />107 Roseville do itself for City operations and what could the City look at to do beyond <br />108 that. Those would be recommendations the Commission could make to the City <br />109 Council but ultimately the City Council is the governing body that makes the final <br />110 decision on what is and is not done towards those efforts. <br />111 <br />112 Ms. Morton noted she did want to go through the proper channels. The PWET <br />113 Commission making a recommendation to the Council is more meaningful than just <br />114 her making the recommendation. <br />115 <br />116 Acting Chair Wozniak passed the meeting over to Chair Cihacek. <br />117 <br />118 3. Approval of January 22, 2019 Meeting Minutes <br />119 Comments and corrections to draft minutes had been submitted by PWETC <br />120 commissioners prior to tonight's meeting and those revisions incorporated into the <br />121 draft presented in meeting materials. <br />122 <br />123 Motion <br />124 Member Wozniak moved, Member Trainor seconded, approval of the <br />125 January 22, 2019 meeting minutes as presented. <br />126 <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />
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