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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan continued with the presentation on Phase II staffing <br /> needs. He discussed the equipment needed that are in the CIP. <br /> Mayor Roe asked in regard to the Paid-On Call/PT Model Costs (20 Year CIP <br /> 2020-2039) column, if that was the current CIP as published and available today <br /> or is that going back to the full Paid On Call/PT. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan stated that column is going back to the full Paid On- <br /> Call/PT. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it would be more relevant to look at that exercise as compared <br /> to what is in the CIP right now versus the full Phase II. He did not believe it was <br /> probably the full $1.7 million savings but he also did not think that was a real per- <br /> spective of where the Fire Department is right now or where the Fire Department <br /> could be in the future compared to right now. He stated if the Chief could adjust <br /> it on that basis, it would be appreciated. He stated the full difference as laid out <br /> works out to approximately the equivalent of one fire fighter cost set aside for the <br /> CIP every year. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan stated actually the only impactful one for personnel <br /> would be the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) line item. <br /> Mayor Roe stated another thing important to note is that through some of the tran- <br /> sition already made, the City may have counted on other capital savings to pay for <br /> some of the Phase I. <br /> Chief O'Neill reviewed the Personnel and Costs of a Staffing Program with the <br /> City Council. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Ms. Laurel Cederburg, 534 Owasso Hills Drive <br /> Ms. Cederburg stated she is in support of the eight fire fighters and thought the <br /> funding increase was a good idea because Roseville fire fighters are really busy. <br /> She noted her son has been a Fire Explorer with the Roseville Fire Department for <br /> four years and continued to do some ride along with the Fire Department. She <br /> stated her son has been going on many emergency calls with the Fire Department <br /> and told her to what extent how busy the Fire Department has been. <br /> Ms. Cederburg stated it is amazing what the Roseville fire fighters are doing, not- <br /> ing the fire fighters are the first ones to all of the emergencies and it is important <br /> the fire fighters are there for the residents. <br />