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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 22 <br /> Mayor Roe thought that was a good point and would be fine. He thought the <br /> Council should do an after-process review to see if anything needed to be changed <br /> related to the interview process. <br /> e. Consider Adopting Resolutions of Support for House File 2031 and Other <br /> Legislation Altering Local Government Aid Funding Formulas <br /> City Manager Trudgeon briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA and <br /> related attachments dated March 25, 2019. <br /> Mayor Roe thought as this moves forward, it might make sense to combine this <br /> into one resolution. He stated he did check with Finance Director Miller and the <br /> City does receive some State Aid and MSA funds to help with streets. He noted <br /> the City received about $400,000 in the last year in what is known as Police State <br /> Aid, which is based on the number of officers and things like that. He was not <br /> sure if it contributed towards retirement funding under police PERA or more <br /> broadly funding of police operations. The City also receives $222,000 from a two <br /> percent tax on homeowners' insurance in the State of Minnesota, which goes to- <br /> ward helping fund the Fire Relief Association funding. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the City has been seeing a trend on cable franchise fees that <br /> fund communications operations, significantly dropping as opposed to past years <br /> when those fees were actually increasing and having some impact, finally, in cut- <br /> ting the cord situation. The City budgeted for this year $470,000 which the City <br /> may not receive based on whatever is reported in from the cable providers and <br /> that is an area where the City has been spending down the reserve fund pretty sig- <br /> nificantly to fund a number of operational costs in the communications area and <br /> may be an argument to looking at more sustainable funding to help with some of <br /> those types of costs. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated with respect to the Resolutions, he would prefer <br /> doing two separate ones. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed that two separate resolutions would be good be- <br /> cause if HF 2031 dies and does not go forward, the City does not want to have <br /> another resolution that has it in there. She stated the resolution is a little more ge- <br /> neric and supports the changing of the formula. She asked to add the words "and <br /> consistent,"noting that not only is the City asking for the LGA formula to provide <br /> for additional funding for all cities, but it should be consistent. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon asked if the wording should be "to provide for additional and con- <br /> sistent funding." <br />