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<br />'/ILLAG~ COJNCIL or HOSE'!ILLE <br />Meeting,Tuef'day April 19t1-¡,19L.9 2 P~,í. <br /> <br />60 <br /> <br />---------------------------------------------- <br /> <br />~he Village Council met or. ~he a~ove d?tc in regular pession with the <br />following membeTs present:Mueller,~emhrcz,?othen,Carlson,Hammersten.rra V.aron, <br />attorney PIle' Frank Leinen, treasurer were also present. <br /> <br />The minutes of the meetings of April 5th and 11th were read by the Clerk <br />and on motion by Muellcr, seccndeè by Har.1ffiersten, th8'y were J:oproved as read.Roll <br />Call :Ayes-( 5) ,Nays-( 0). <br /> <br />The Public hearing on the matter of rezoning the following describer' <br />real estate was declared open by Presi(ept Eueller: <br />" Lo:s 11 tö l8,inclusive,J?lock 3 "Gottfried" énd that part on the SW~ <br />" of the SE~ of sect.l5,Township 29,Range 23 bounded as follows:On the <br />" North by the South line of rone Ave as shown in the pLit of Gottfrieò <br />" Village of Roseville,on the West by land owned bj: the County of q~llsey <br />" on the East by the :E;2St line of said S'Nt of the S.c~ of the ~ai¡4 sect.lS <br />" Town 2?,P..ange 2J,on the South by a line parallel to <l.!1è distant 291 feet <br />f t.}orth(meas1.lred at right angle )of the center li:10 of I,a:r-pent,=ur Ave. <br />from Residential IIA"District to ?esidenUal "C"c1istri8t. <br />The petitioner statdQ that this rezoning was requeEted for ~~e purpose <br />of erecting some apartment buil(iing1: U'lder FHA financing. The qll<';5·cion of sani t2r:r <br />sewer fòr the project was w~s faid that there is a chance to connect <br />to the City sewer bli: in the event :. t could 1:('+, 'Je done, the contractors were <br />to provic1e satisfactoJ"J êo',vage disposal to meet with the requirements of FHA anrJ <br />the Village Council. There ueing no one present t~ opposing this rezoning,Memhr~z <br />moved, secooèed by Mueller to zone the above property to C12s~ "C" òi:=trict. <br />Roll call:Ayes-(S),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />Mr.Krannack presen~ed a petitiop for ~ezoning a portion of his land <br />from Class "A" to Class "c" district but owing to the fact that the petition <br />was not signed by suffic:'ent owners wi thi:;¡ 500 feet, the :¡:eti tion w;';, rejected <br />by the Council. <br /> <br />Mr Gosrud and several other citizens a~reared in protest of the issuance <br />of a special permit to Ì'''allace J .!v1onette to reside in a basement for 6 n.onths <br />on Lot l7,Reiling park,Roseville.It wae feared that 1l(mette ma~,r live in this <br />basement home beyond the 6 month limitation and not~ing could be done about it. <br />OWing to the fact t~1at only one siGnature had been obtained,it was suggested that <br />Mr Monette be contacted by the buildin6 inEpcctor and ask him to appear at the <br />next regular meoting so that this matter could be straightened out. <br /> <br />Mr Brown,279 No.Me Carrons Boulevard at the Council's invitation to <br />appear in regards to drainage and the plugging of a culvert under Williams st. <br />It was suggested that an engineer be hired to check the drainage situation in this <br />location.Ha.."1JIlersten moved, seconded by Carlson that Mr.Carley be hired to m.qke <br />ttis survey and make reco~nendations to the Council on this drainage problem and <br />what it may cost to overCOJrle it.Roll call:Ayes-(S),Nays-(8). <br /> <br />ilembrez moved,secondeè by Carlson to order the establishement of the <br />grade for curbing rim Ridgewood Lane, wi th the understanding that Ridgewood Lane <br />be a minimum of 26 feet in widbh.Mueller moved, seconded by H@ill1ersten to instruct <br />Mr.Carley,engineer to establish this grade.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />120 X 38 <br />was re?d <br />to Apnl <br /> <br />The application from Edward H. Wi 1 lmus for a perIni t to lease a barn <br />feet in size at the AR.DEN farm for a millwork shop for a period of ;; years <br />by the elerk.Mueller moveqþ-~ecomdeq Q,r HamJ11ersten that perl!lit l18 is~ued <br />JUth,~9~4.Roll call:Ayes-\/},Nays-(O). <br />