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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 8, 2019 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated staff does expect the current litigation to be pulled back in <br /> the next couple of weeks so he thought the Council could tee that up for conversa- <br /> tion sooner than later. The other two items are important. The hotel/motel licens- <br /> ing will not get through the current Legislative session in order to get a bill re- <br /> garding that. With the Campus Master Plan, his first step would be to have a con- <br /> versation talking about what the Council wants to look at, what the City's needs <br /> are, and how far in advance does the Council want to look at it. <br /> Mayor Roe believed there was discussion as a Council regarding the Centerpointe <br /> PUD item. He stated the process was paused but he thought the Council decided <br /> what needed to be done. He thought once the litigation ends, the City can restart <br /> the process which means it will go to the Planning Commission. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted there is a new Council, so he suggested the Cen- <br /> terpointe PUD item come back to the Council for review before it goes to the <br /> Planning Commission. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the Council wanted to bring back for discussion the Imagine <br /> Roseville item to decide where this will go and what it will look like. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon thought Imagine Roseville could be put on the agenda in the next <br /> month for initial conversation. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the Just Cause Ordinance discussion has not been brought up, <br /> but he understood the immediate case that was driving some of the discussion for <br /> that has been resolved in other ways and that person has found other housing. He <br /> was not sure where the Council was at with that item. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated he was not sure he would want to continue the <br /> discussion, outside of a fairly broad process with MN Multi-Family Housing As- <br /> sociation, for example. He thought that a lot of folks might think that a Just <br /> Cause Ordinance might solve a lot of problems and he did not know that it neces- <br /> sarily does, especially when people are on hold over periods, for example. He <br /> stated this was not something high on his priority list. <br /> Mayor Roe stated there will be discussions coming up regarding housing policies <br /> and may be something that fits into that general discussion. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated some of these items will be relative to the Zoning Code dis- <br /> cussion or the housing discussion so he wondered if those items should come off <br /> the list completely or did the Council want to somehow track them knowing there <br /> will not be separate Council discussion. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the thing to do is to notate something on the Notes column or <br /> another column on the list, so the Council does not lose site of the item. <br />