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<br />f75 <br /> <br />VILLAGS CCU.;CIL OF ROSSVILLE <br />J oi!lt necting with Falco:ì ¡¡eights Village <br />Friday, Jul~y lst,1947 at 2 o'clcck F.r.~. <br /> <br />The llle8tin.; was calleà to order with the following ¡nember-s present: <br />Mueller, Pothen, HaImClsrsten, Carlson and Jf.emtrez. Falcon Heights Village waf: <br />represented b:!: S~avor, Rysgaarà and Lindi&. Frank Grahwrr, at~crney for the <br />Villa6e of Fdccn ;-reights waG also ¡:;resent. <br /> <br />The r-evised Fire 2:iìlÌl=;amt Ir.n::tox:' dated Jul;y 1st, 19!~~ of the aI=ì)~ai~ers <br />of the fi:-e equipment formerly 2elonging to the To;'.T.. of Hose all:: new (Jelonging to <br />the Vill e.gGs of ~oseville, Falcon }¡ei 'hts and Lauc:.erdD.le was cor:siclereè. Upon <br />f!lO ti or: of Eammcrstcr.., scc'Jr.ded t:, ?0th3:1, the faD cwin¿ ressl'.:tio!: was adopted. <br />Roll S~ll: Ayes-(5), Na~s-(O). <br /> <br />J.~SC'L'J".c;D, that ·~he ;?i2:"; 2.:\.:~p.r;ent Irâ(::;;to'::'j-· Jr..Lteù .Iu1;y 1, <br />:c~"a.,: \'(~~:':..~~i~·:;'~ -.;~.. :j¿J,5L,? S8 b8 anù i t ~1eraJJ~ .lS ap;:'t"ov::-d. <br />?~sctV.s:! I:~:J;tTi~TI., v,, ~:le i:·r·:)posed di ~¡~5i2:1 of ":he &bc~\r~e <br /> <br />1 :', ') <br />~.../ '",,' <br /> <br />:.~l~C 's.:"~·}~ <br /> <br />a.'1~C '....:~ ~_. <br /> <br />,,"..> í.·olla-r;5: <br />Village of EosGville <br />Tc'Y'r:: of 1:033 <br /> <br />Tot¿;J <br /> <br />~l") Ji01 '3 <br />;r ..), '- / -" . - <br />),654.55 <br />~2), ;;L¡:' . 6!J <br /> <br />( ""0'·" <br />\:; ,/,:... ,: <br />(41% ) <br /> <br />The T::'~~1 c: ;{ose share to be î~rth8:' J...~T¡idcd 303 fc~_la~vs: <br /> <br />\Ti] cf L2U~ic~è2.J.8 <br />7111a¿:8 of ~alco!~ ~ìt;;2.b:lt~) <br /> <br />I ~, , ",.., ) <br />,,~"-+. ./,''J <br />(I~ l~' <br /> ,..' .. "-i~ / <br /> <br />$2,403.QR <br />7,250.57 <br />~55I¡. 55 <br /> <br />be and it hereby is a~proved. <br />RESOL'JED Pu'RT~!.cR., that the deli vel',y to the Village of FalCO:1 Heights <br />of equipment s~own on the said Ü;.'lcntory the 5ec' gallon fi~e engine, <br />of a total value of ;10,377.55, to be uEcd bJr the Village of Fal:cn Heights to <br />set up its fire departu8!ìt, be and it h;Jreèy is ap~rovGd, ¡¡nd that ths excess of <br />this value O'ler the Town cf Rc'cc 3hare of the GC{LÚp;:l0nt, 11, ?23.CÇ h::: pai¿ on or <br />tefüre August 1, 1949. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, secGl.ded b~y I'ot;-;t;:-. to ado}:t the ::'-0110\\':':';1£ è'esoL:.tion: <br />Roll Call: Ayes-(5), N¡¡ys-(C). <br /> <br />......'. <br />"".~ <br /> <br />IlESOLVE9, t~at the 'lillage of Roseville hereby agrees that, until <br />å81iver~T of the new;er c:-dered bJ" the ':illa~e of Roseville and UpO!ì reç'18Et <br />of the Chief or officer in charge of the F"àlconU:¡eights Fire Department, it will <br />send its tank truck with a driver and one to fires in the Villages of Falcon <br />Heights and Lauderd.:lle, w::' thout charge; this agreement to be conditioned upon <br />the agreā‚¬!:lant of the Village of Falcon Heights for the SéWle ¡;eri:)d upon the <br />request of the Chief or officer in chargl3 of the Roseville'ltlr.exÐe:partment, to <br />send the 500 gal. fire engine with a driver anè. one man to fires in the Village <br />of Rosevil1e, without c:large. <br /> <br />J)~ ~Ere"i¿ent <br /> <br />