<br />Heeting,Tllesday,July 19th,1949, 2 P~,:.
<br />
<br />·,8
<br />
<br />----------------------------------------
<br />
<br />The Village council met on the above date with the following members
<br />present:Mt:eller ,Pothen,Ham:nersten, Gzrlsan,Membrez. I~a Ka!"on, attorney and ti'rar:.k
<br />Leinen,Treasurer were also present.
<br />
<br />The clerk read the minutes of
<br />~!!tèel19r, seconded by H8,1!Œrsten, the:r
<br />Nay~-(O).
<br />Melvin Roth's rezoning matter for which Public Hearing began June 2lËt
<br />was again open for discussion.A reselution adopted by the property o~~ers opposing
<br />the rezoning at a meeting held by ths~:, waf' presented by Mr.~1aher. This resolution
<br />requested the ~lillage Council to den:' ehe zoning of the property in question.
<br />I~.Roth objected to the publicity in the newspapers which he claimeè was
<br />grossely misrepresented.He insisted that the building he proposed to build was
<br />for the purr-ose of a high ~lass restaurar-t and not a night club.Mrs Irene Rockstroh
<br />representing the o'Vmer of the land stated that she '.ves in favor of the rezo~lÍng.
<br />She said V:at this piece of land had been on the market for a long time but due to
<br />the Burial 7Bults across the street,no one ì"æ.nts to buy for residential purposes.
<br />Bob "leber,ll78 Eldridge resented stat0f,;ents made that 'l-Jec¿use he was the ~on-
<br />in-law of ldr.Maher and the son of Mr.Weher opere.ting a restaurant on No.Snell:i;-;b
<br />he had persor!al interest jn opposing the rezoning.
<br />Hte!' a lenghty discusei'x.,!;!ueller moved,seçonded by HalTJl:lersten that the
<br />property be zoned from a Farm Resi d6nt :;i "trict to 3. BusÜ.ess District.RoD CÛ1:
<br />Carlson voted "No" Ha.'nmersten "1e:::" Pothen rid ~1C>t vote. Needing a 4/S ::1é:'jority
<br />en re::;orìÍng~the metion Vias defe:..ted, therefore t,,-= }!rOpert~í ret.1:Dns a~ is.
<br />
<br />the meeting of July Sth and an mibtion bJ.'
<br />were a?:f-rcved as read.Roll Call:,Ayes-(5),
<br />
<br />'I'he Fu'clic hearing was declared open on the ma~,;.ter of rezoning the follo~"Ting
<br />described ¡:;roperty for the ¡:;reat Lakes Fipe I..ine Co:
<br />East .~ of the Southwest i of the S-.:t:thwest l of sect.5, 'I'OYvTI 29,Ra...'1ge 23
<br />from a Farm-residence District to an Industrial District.
<br />¡tr.Claude Allen, attorney for Great Lakes Pipe Line stated that the; above propert.ì'
<br />needs to be rezoned to make it possible to expand the business.He stressed the
<br />importance of ha.ving inJ'..lstrial and business prof'erties to help cæ-:-:r the tax load.
<br />C.J.Murph;y residing on County Road C2 and Mr.SwanE'on opposed the rezoning on the
<br />ground that it is not pleasant to look at gaE' tanks day in &'10 day out. They 2150
<br />said that it depreciates Resirential property.
<br />Carlson moved,seccnded by H~~e!"sten to zone the above property from Farm-Resiòencû
<br />District to Industrial District,Roll Cal1:Ayes-(5),~ays-(O).
<br />
<br />Wm Kruse,Lexington and Cp.Rd.B2 seeked some information ahout the grading
<br />of B2,west of Lexington.MGŒbrez moved, seconded by Mueller to hire the services of
<br />lrrlner Carley to investigate the matter and report at the next meeting.Roll Call:
<br />Ayes-(S),Nays-(O).
<br />
<br />The following residents appeared before the Council to inquire about condition
<br />" of roads:
<br />steve Bear wælted to know about Transit Ave,off Dale St.West.
<br />Mr.Hostrawser,3062 Woodbridge, between Woodlyn and So.Owasso BId.
<br />Henry Ruter,1943 Pleasant Ave ,alley to Lots 4,5,&6
<br />These property OWTIers were informed that the road overseer will be intructed
<br />to inspect these places and report to the Council.
<br />
<br />Mueller Moved,seconded b~r Ha.T~ersten to authorize building inspector to give
<br />permit to Norbert Mueller to move a garage Œl Rice St.provided it meet~ with the
<br />building code and zoning law.Roll Call:,,~es-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />