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This year-end report contains information on several areas that Eureka Recycling <br />tracks to monitor the success of Roseville's zero waste recycling program over <br />the course of each year. As a non-profit social enterprise we believe tracking and <br />reporting this data is an essential way to ensure program transparency. It also <br />gives Eureka Recycling and city staff the tools needed to successfully manage the <br />program. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS SUMMARY <br />The environmental benefits of Roseville's zero -waste recycling program are quantified <br />transparently using a widely -accepted environmental model. This ensures that all residents <br />have a chance to see how their efforts can be measured and quantified. <br />There are many ways to calculate the benefits of recycling. To better explain these benefits in <br />commonly understood terms government agencies, research scientists, and economists have <br />created several "calculators" to translate the amounts of recycled materials collected, and <br />processed into equivalent positive societal and environmental benefits. <br />Because of the increasing societal focus on both the causes of and the solutions to climate <br />change, it has become imperative to measure waste reduction (and all of our activities) in terms <br />of its impact on the environment. This allows us to speak in a common language, understand <br />the impact of our choices, and help us prioritize the personal and policy actions that we take. <br />In addition to climate change mitigation, there are other environmental benefits to recycling, <br />including saving energy, protecting air quality, water quality, natural resources, natural beauty, <br />habitat, and human health. There is an increasing awareness of micro plastic pollution in our <br />rivers and lakes and soil and recycling is ever more important to strengthen to combat plastics <br />toxins showing up in our food supply. <br />The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WARM Calculator <br />The equations used in environmental calculations try to take into account the "full life cycle" of <br />each material—everything from off -setting the demand for more virgin materials (tree <br />harvesting, mining, etc.) to preventing the pollution that would have occurred if that material <br />were disposed of (burned or buried). Different calculators may include some or all of the many <br />factors that contribute to the "full life cycle" so results will vary from calculator to calculator. <br />While there are many models emerging to calculate greenhouse gas reductions, the most <br />recognized, and standard model is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Waste <br />Reduction Model (WARM). WARM was designed to help solid waste planners and organizations <br />track and voluntarily report greenhouse gas emissions reductions from several different waste <br />management practices. <br />