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Excerpt from August 2018 meeting minutes <br />asset for them and a contribution they should be looking to do. She thought it was <br />time. <br />Member Kruse agreed and thought this was a great idea <br />Vice Chair Wozniak stated in addition to what Member Misra stated, he liked the <br />idea of going after both types; Solar Rewards and the PV Demand Credit. He liked <br />the latter especially to scope out what they might be able to do with the skating <br />center roof a year or two down the road. <br />Mr. Chris Psihos stated when a solar array is put on a roof and there is an income <br />producing asset that over the life of the roof pays for the roof, that is an awesome <br />situation. Usually a solar array will pay for the cost of the roof with the energy <br />savings over a 25 -year period. <br />Vice Chair Wozniak hoped the staff in Finance will take a look at the numbers to <br />make sure everything adds up and makes sense. He wanted to say kudos to the City <br />Council for wanting to display being green in the City and he thought that was a <br />good step and looked forward to more like it. <br />Member Misra thought the idea of using a ground base solar array for educational <br />purposes, there are other ways of doing that educational piece such as a kiosk in <br />different parks, something at the skating center and/or at City Hall that may not be <br />as visually and intrusive on the landscape would be a better way to go. She would <br />like to keep the solar array on the rooftop. <br />There was no motion made due to lack of Quorum <br />6. Tiered Water Rate Analysis <br />Mr. Freihammer stated at three of the recent Commission meetings, staff and the <br />Commission discussed water rates and if the tiered structure should change in any <br />way. The majority of the discussion has been whether the top -tiered rate should <br />increase or if the threshold (30,000 gallons per quarter) should change. He <br />reviewed the options with the Commission. <br />Mr. Freihammer stated appliances are becoming more water efficient and the trend <br />is moving downward. <br />Vice Chair Wozniak thought this was great news by reducing water consumption, <br />but he thought it might have hit a plateau, so he did not thinkthe City should assume <br />that is going to continue. <br />Mr. Freihammer stated there is still some reduction but will flatten out pretty quick <br />Vice Chair Wozniak stated there has been a lot of talk about the City making sure <br />they do not price out large families but large families use more water than anyone <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />