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Last modified
6/27/2019 10:26:31 AM
Creation date
6/27/2019 10:24:16 AM
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Public Works Commission
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The City Council mentioned incentives for conservation in the joint meeting. He <br />thought the City Council was supportive of rewarding water conservation. <br />Mr. Culver thought one way they could reward the residents versus lowering the <br />rate is to set up a rebate type of program. <br />Member Misra thought a rebate program might be effective. She thought there <br />should be something that triggers people when they look at their bill to think about <br />water conservation. <br />Mr. Culver indicated the City needs to get people to think differently on how they <br />use water and to respect the resource and the fact that it is a limited resource. <br />Vice Chair Wozniak thought if the City were going to go this route with a Tier 4 <br />and any other adjustments there has to be some educational message about why the <br />City is doing this and what the resident could do about it if they do not like it. It is <br />not just being punitive, it is about helping the community become knowledgeable. <br />Member Misra wondered if there was away to send out to residents aneighborhood <br />comparison to show them how their water usage compares to their neighbors. <br />Mr. Culver stated the City has a lot of data in their system, but he was not sure if <br />they had the resources to compile such a report. He noted Shoreview is using a <br />service that provides reports like that. He noted the City looked at the software and <br />he thought staff could come back with a demo of the software to show to the <br />Commission. <br />Member Misra asked if there was a way to show residents how much they use when <br />sending out the water bill. <br />Mr. Freihammer stated the issue with that is the City does not know how many <br />users they have per household. <br />Member Kruse thought what might be helpful would be to have the water broken <br />down by rate structure on the bill which might alert the resident that they could pay <br />less if they used less water. <br />Member Kruse asked if the commercial businesses paid on a tier basis for water. <br />Mr. Freihammer stated the commercial businesses are paying more, in the winter <br />months .20/1,000 more than residential but there is no escalator currently. There <br />are no tiers. <br />Vice Chair Wozniak stated this is an ongoing conversation and if the residents have <br />any suggestions or concerns to email the City, so it can be discussed at the <br />September PWET meeting. <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />
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