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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
6/27/2019 10:31:54 AM
Creation date
6/27/2019 10:31:46 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Mr. Johnson stated it has and staff works with communications to put the <br />information out. It typically makes it out via social media in fall and winter. <br />Chair Cihacek asked if staff had the same advice for commercial properties. <br />Mr. Johnson stated staff has done a little bit but need to do more. Right now, most <br />businesses are worried about liability and less about people tripping over salt piles. <br />Businesses tend to use more salt. He stated the City needs to come up with a <br />communication plan on who to target and how to get the word out. <br />Member Spencer asked when alerting residents about access salt is a visual used <br />because a lot of people are very visual. <br />Mr. Johnson stated the City does not have a lot of visual information, but staff does <br />link to different sites such as the PCA or the watershed districts for information of <br />proper spacing of rock salt for effectiveness and there is a lot of information out <br />there that staff references. <br />Member Huiett thought the good work staff is doing, it does save and is a safety <br />matter when talking about some slippery conditions. She appreciated the balance <br />there as well. <br />Mr. Johnson stated the City has a street salting policy as well. The City uses the <br />appropriate amount of salt to get it to a point of safety that all of the residents would <br />be happy with. <br />Chair Cihacek stated if the Commissioners have questions for Mr. Johnson please <br />contact him. <br />7. Sustainable Roseville <br />Environmental Specialist Ryan Johnson provided a brief review and update on the <br />Annual Sustainability of Roseville. <br />Chair Cihacek thought this was not a comprehensive list of things the City has <br />worked on but things that have been accomplished. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that was correct. He reviewed Green Step Cities with the <br />Commission. He also reviewed the Solar Investigation from 2014 -current. He <br />noted the industrial areas on the map are very bright and there is a lot of potential <br />that could be on the west portion of the City to make big improvements on <br />greenhouse gas emission reductions, get more solar in due to large flat roofs. Staff <br />needs to determine how the City should move forward. <br />Member Huiett asked what the estimated payback period was for the City Solar. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />
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