<br />í!lTLJ\~:::: CCC¡;cTt ('? nrSI77n L~
<br />~'Æeeti!l6,September 6tJ:,at ::: ,]Iclocl( -,'-
<br />
<br />85
<br />
<br />______________________________0_.___________
<br />
<br />'.::'he 'lill3G~ Cm''1cil net O~l the 81:'ov(' (~é~Té in a re;.::.::ar ~'(;2"-_C::Ni ~~h :';1'>
<br />:~o::Jovving Lie-;:berE ~)j"·ese~it:?iueller,:'eìbrez æl(~ ::f''::'~f'Y'E'ter. (3) C:,~l::C'1 ar,e]
<br />Fothen ab=ent (2) :::ra Karon,:ltt(';~....ne:r (~:'ÎJl ?rarìk I,einen .,,~,re:t; a12ù ~~(:;r<;~t.
<br />
<br />~1¡8 r1inu:2E. c: ..\UbL~f't leSt!::; "l.?tr. 3J~è 23rd ;l1.p(~ting2 v\rere r:J3C1 b:¡ t~,~! Cl~~~"~
<br />a:lè on L:,=)tiO!1 bJ- ~~.3.:7;r!2~"Et 2n, ,si'~'::c.~::-lec: :.~~. ~-:ueller, the~,t 'N';';:Y'e ,:¡-;';:r'c'lcd D.D reaè.
<br />Roll Call:~~!es-(3),Nays-(J~,
<br />
<br />An error having 1") ':::' e:1 De.Ce en ':ìlr _ :iV·2êt::',sin¿; fo: bie> to h:ml gy-avel frC''ú
<br />Got:fried Pit to v2.ricÜE ,,:)"il~.aG~? ]1C,3r~~;;):.,luelJe"t... rloved,EeCond~(' b:' H[:,~:-l:1er·~ten
<br />7C reject ¿.11 bids aI::l re3.~~'!eY.'ti3e "or lJe1'] bìd~ tc 08 c[3ned 's'3rt'c"'ltCJr 28th,
<br />a+ '/ 0, "o~v 1:' ~,~ '1+ t~H:" '1i1'..,-", :.¡..,~ :::>0" r-,11.~",,,::_r3' ·J~·'Q-(O'
<br />......... CJ.. l.,...,\. ~,..J._ c: V '...... ~'__.... ...Œb'-' _J.c:...~...- ...... )...J....J- -.J__. ..n-. -/.~ ,,~;,,1 c~",/ L. /.
<br />
<br />~,I~r.PillEjur~i)attorne;/ :rOill Jreo.t IJal~(;s r::,pè Lin':; :"'eç:~_'~ste(i ·.:he Cê:n.Lt"lcil tc)
<br />ascept a pet,·_~tion .for rez8J1iL6 'Wj_.t{~\)~¡t ,-:~ign2i·~1r'es of prQ~:e!"t:~... o~~~rr"lers wit:;in
<br />,00 feet. The CO;,;;¡ci1 re;lu::'ec: to accept petition 2:1d n.c'·¡ise...." :.~ .FillfbJ.'7 ,. ')
<br />;r¡;3.Ke anoU;el' ¿ttempt t,) obtai,) E¿,¡;:::ltures.
<br />
<br />~,¡r.J&;il(;S W.Cl'1rk,Cç.lr,jüissì().1'~~ of !;;in:::;sota J-:::art'ìle;¡t of ,:usiness ~ese~Tc'l
<br />and Develaperren"-_ ~poke on b~?half)f exranèiI'b t~::icili tie:o for storage of £'1.1"':
<br />'Jil.He ~aid that 8vent:-w t,he situat~c<xl rioe:" not leek critical 3.t the mompr;t
<br />it could very be t~a.t \~e ':13.:,/ f:-:.c:c an oil ~ohortage l:ter on this winter. 'fr'.
<br />Clark speakinG for the state sugCeste"! that the '/i112ge Ccur1,:il S:1ClÜd seriou,<>::.j
<br />consider an aprJ.icatio'l f:'c1 the Gre2t L1kes Pipe lin", for a proroEed ex;'.:msi0!1
<br />.. 'Jl' ~tor2.Ge of f1..:el oil.
<br />
<br />Mr. Lit1:man, eòi tor of' :)1l: nei'.' ROSE'T:!:IL:: U:I;-¡~ì.':: ::':'fr;:,',~c" ,:l:C CouLc:'l that '1e
<br />..iill give full c.Joperation +,) !-,he Vi1l.qL~ to l,r:i_"i~ the Dews to it f '" ci l lzens.
<br />He [,oped thE':, th,' circ'Jl0:.tion w~~ll keep increasinf-;.
<br />
<br />!l)r. ~,Ii1n'3r C2rle2!) 21.;ineer s ubmH Led t¡..,.; following peti t5.on s !'cr rezoning:
<br />
<br />A ~ ·1 r> 1, ~. J.' ~4'1 f' S ". 1 m....9~·T ~'?3"T d ..... ~ ~ t' '1....- '1' +]-[
<br />}drce 0... ...,'nL, 1n L-Ú,; .:J..J.i o~ .ec.~.~,~.:: ',.._ Y'" eSC1"1L'Pl' c:S _0~ vWS:A_-L v..c'~
<br />part of the SEl of S",·(;t.L,T29'H,R231;r,1:rinb s()utherl~r of 2 line: which is raré'llel
<br />wi th ::md 1+00 ft, northerly of the r¡orth P.. C. 1') .line of' Co .Rd.C ar,.] West 'J!' a lin~
<br />which is pBrall;l "Iith an....~ I¡oo f+-.west oT' +he west line of S.T.H. )'1
<br />
<br />A parcel of land in the S3~ of sect.4,T29N,R23',~ described 2.8 fol1ows:Al1 that
<br />part of the SE~ of Sect.!! T29:J,R23W lying east of' 2 line whi:cth i~ p8.:,aHel 'I','Íth
<br />anè hoo ft.west ü: the west R.O.W.line of S.T.H. 51.
<br />
<br />'.
<br />
<br />All that part of the SE~ of the SVf~ of sect.h T29-23 l;ying north of the north
<br />R.O.W line of County Road "e" ard south 0 a l::'ne which is parallel to the north
<br />line of COW1ty Road fI C" and ){)O ft .distar,t therefrom. This parcel to consist of a
<br />::::Lrip oÎ 1anè 1100 ît.in width the south line 0: which is the northr-è'ly line of
<br />County Road "C".
<br />
<br />The west 55 ft.of the north 500 ft.of the S1t¡~ of the S1:ï~ of Sect.3,2Q-23 :^... al~o
<br />the soutt 500 ft.of +,he east 500 ft. of the ~:V~ of the svv~ of Sect.3,T.29-23 bot1-¡
<br />parcels subject to exifting roaàs 2~1d highwa:rR.
<br />FRCIl A ?ARM RESIrE¡¡CE nrSTRI':T ':'0 A ?~SD'r;3S DISTRICT.
<br />