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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regular meeting,Tuesday,Oct.4th,1949 <br /> <br />92 <br /> <br />---------------------------------------- <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date at 2 o'clock P.M. with the following <br />members present:Mueller,Pothen,Hammersten,Membrez (4)Carlson was absent (1) Karon <br />village attorney was also presenn. <br /> <br />The clerk read the minutes of meetings of Sept.20th and 27th and on motion by <br />Mueller,seconded by Hammersten,they were approved as read.Roll Call:Ayes-(4)Nays-(0). <br /> <br />The placing of the contract for purchase of lØOO ft of 2i hose and <br />800 ft.of Ii fire hose was discussed.It appears that the quality of hose from the <br />low bidder is questionable. The rubber inside, according the the technical committee, <br />is not smooth as specified in our adverYising for bids. It was suggested that this <br />matter be held up for more investigr~ion. <br /> <br />Mr Rudy Keller of the Keller M~flower Addition inquired about street lights <br />at the intersection of Eldridge and Lindy.He said that the F.H.A. requires that <br />such street lights be installed as oreof the condition for obtaining <br />Mayor Mueller feared that if lights were installed here that maQY other peoples <br />in the Village would request lights in their particular districts and that money <br />was not provided for in our budget to take care of this cost. <br />Mr Keller also inquired about the possibility of erecting the GlmNISON prefabri- <br />cated homes in the Village of Roseville eventho it does not meet with the require- <br />ments of the building code. He was informed that the matter will be discussed with <br />the building inspector. <br /> <br />The application to sell food from the Polar Food Lockers was presented. <br />Mueller moved, seconded by Hammersten to accept the application and issue a license. <br />Roll Call:Ayes-(4),Nays-(0). <br />in <br />Gust Johnson requested a special permit to reside a bassement to be constructed <br />on the West 80 feet of Lot 4,Fairways Subdivision.Hamcersten moved,seconrled by <br />Mueller that a special permit be issued for 6 months.Roll_1Call:Ayes-(4).Nays-(0). <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded by pothen that the following bills be paiß.Roll Call: <br />Ayes-(ø),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />11.56 N.S.power Co. 1.00 <br />13.45 Frank Leinen 35.00 <br />100.00 Wm A.Mueller 50.00 <br />100.00 Nic Pothen 35.00 <br />52.00 Mike Walsh 87.50 <br />101.25 George J.Schulze 36.00 <br />70.00 J.L.Shiely Co. 215.35 <br />74.00 " 37.70 <br /> <br />Geo.Guligowski 35.00 <br />Harry Carlson 35.00 <br />Ira Karon 100.00 <br />B.H.Hammersten 35.00 <br />John Dockeryy 92.00 <br />A.J.Tschida Const.Co 15.00 <br />Flour City Body Corp.12175.00 <br /> <br />N.W.Bell Tel.Co <br />" " <br /> <br />Geo.Membrez <br />" " <br /> <br />Frank Weinholzer <br />Joe W.Koalska <br />" <br /> <br />ueller moved, seconded by Hammersten to adjour meeting.Roll Call:Ayes-(4),Nays-(0). <br /> <br /> <br />-~a, <br /> <br />Ä /" <br />. U _d' ,_E, 1\ \Q 'c- ,...,-" <br /> <br />VILLA~a::~CIL OF RO:;~.-' V! /tV,-/.,~,-.-{ j 1 <br /> <br />Special meeting,octoberlûÍh,1949 at 8 PM. <br />At the request of 2 council members this special meeting was called, with the <br />fol1wing members present:Membrez,Mueller,Hammersten (),Nic pothen,Carlson absent(2). <br />Leinen,bullding inspector was also present. Claude Allen,Spencer and Adamson form the <br />Great Lakes Pi~e Line Co eared for the ~urpose of obtainin~ a b~ildin£ permit for <br />the erection or tanks. Mem moved,seconäeãb,y Muel~er to aUtnor1ze~tne buiIOing <br />inspector to issue a permit the tan e build within the area recently zoned <br />Industrial.Roll Call:Ayes- .5-( If' move1i,sec.~M~mbrez(to .adj~rn. <br />Roll Call:Ayes-(3),Nays-(O). ~Mayor ,<_ :\""'",·Lv','--\ Clerk. <br /> <br /> <br />Clerk. <br />