<br />,.,~
<br />
<br />}.~eeting, Tuesday Feb.7th,1950 at 2 0' clock PM.
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<br />1-01.
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<br />-------------------------------------------------------
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<br />The Village Council met on the Bbove date with thü following r;¡embers present:
<br />Mueller, Harill:J.ersten, Y{illmus, Carlson,Mer.J.brez.Frank Leinen, Treasurer and Ira Karon,
<br />attorney, were also present.
<br />The Clerk read the minutes of meeting of Jan.17th and on motion by Mueller,
<br />seconded by Hammersten they were approved as read.Eoll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />Bob Ashbach and his attorney Mr.Costello appenred before the Council to inquire
<br />about the construction of prefabricated "Gunnison HOr.les" in the Village of Roseville.
<br />Frank Leinen,building inspector, Harry carlson and Edward Willmus reported on their
<br />findings when they examined Gunnison Homes in st.Louis Park.They all agreed that this
<br />tJ~e of homes is very satisfactory. Mr.Ashbach read a letter he received from the
<br />City Council of Omaha in which they said that the Gunnison homes have proven satisfactoIJ
<br />The question was brought up as to how the building code of the village could be revised
<br />and still have control of other types of prefab. homes which m~ not may desirable.
<br />Carlson finally moved,secondeò by Har®ersten that the applicants fubmit ammendments
<br />to the building code and to present them to the Council at the next meeting.Roll Call
<br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />The Vol.Fire Dept.submitted the names of the men elected for offices a,s follows:
<br />Kenneth Fabyanske,Chief,Herb L~~ch,Ass't Chief,Adolph Ðlson,Second A8S't Chief,
<br />Art Carrier,Secretar:>' and M.ilton Bahneman Treasurer. Harnmer¡::ten moveè,~econdeà ty
<br />Carlson that the selection of these men be approved by the Village Council.Roll Call:
<br />Ayes-(S),Nays-(O).
<br />An ordinance amending Ordinance No.124 was read by the Village attorne:>'.
<br />Hammersten moved, seconded by WilJJnUs that this grdinance be adopted.Roll Call :Ayes-( 5),
<br />Nays-(O).
<br />The Vol.Fire Dept.subnitted the result of their election of F'eb.2nä,electing
<br />Albert Mintz as Fire Marehé1ll and I.H.Eipnck as assistant Fire Marshall.He.mmersten
<br />moved,seconded by Willmus to approve the new men elected. Poll call:AYes-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />Mueller moved, seconded by Hamr.lersten to request [vIr.George Conner to vhange the
<br />name Conner Place to Rose Place in his plat recently approved by the Council.Roll Call
<br />Þ~es-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />Muller moved, seconded by Hammersten to approve application from the Minnesota
<br />Entertaibement Enterprises,Inc. to operate an outdoor moving picture on the N.E.comer
<br />of Snelling Ave and County Road C.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />Mueller moved,seconded by Willmus that ARDEN HILLS #3 plat be accepted as presente(
<br />Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York send notice that the following
<br />policies are expiring in February and they recomnended that the new policies be written
<br />for 3 years instead of one year so that a saving of approx.$lOO.OO could be made.
<br />Policy #BBF 147l2,Broad Form Moneys & Securitjes policy, the annual premi\lm is
<br />121.25 and the three year premium will be $303.12
<br />The blanket bond annual premium is 53.S5 and the three year premium is $133.88.
<br />The Public Liability policy arillual premium is $24.00 and the three year premium
<br />is 63.00.
<br />Mueller moved, seconded by Hammersten that thse policies be renewd for a term of 3 years.
<br />Roll Call:AyesQ(S),Nays-(O).
<br />Mueller moved, seconded by Willmus that Mr.Theo.Schultz be recommended to be a~sessor
<br />for the Village of Roseville for the ensuing year.Roll Call:AYes-(S),Nays-(O).
<br />Mueller moved, seconded by Hammersten that Mr.Theo.Schultz be appointed Weed Inspector
<br />in the Village of Roseville for the ensuing year.
<br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Willmus to adopt the following resolution:
<br />WHEREAS,said Village of Roseville feels the necessity of having a bank closer to the
<br />Municipal Liquor stores to facilitate the deposits of daily sales receipts,
<br />NOW,Tf&~EFORE,BE IT RESOLVEr, THAT the Falcon Heights state Bank be designated as
<br />depositaries for the funds of the Village of Roseville Municipal Liquor stores and
<br />that dep?sits of $10,000.00 #11431 Serie A D.S.Cert.of Indehtadness be approved
<br />as secur1ty for such funds. Roll Call:Ayes-(S),Nays-(O).
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