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HRIEC Minutes 06-12-2019
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
HRIEC Minutes 06-12-2019
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7/19/2019 9:33:12 AM
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7/19/2019 9:33:09 AM
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Human Rights Commission
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />June 12, 2019 <br />Page 14 of 19 <br /> <br />Hispanic community. He reviewed some of the ideas that came up at the meeting, <br />one being the Coco animated movie. Another idea was to have discussion around <br />immigration with the community and the City. Another idea was fun activities that <br />could be done with adults and children and where those activities could happen. He <br />stated there was supposed to be a follow up meeting with the community, but it never <br />happened. <br /> <br />Commissioner Djevi stated he has talked to Cory from this department and he really <br />likes the idea of having the movie at the OVAL. <br /> <br />Chair Beltmann stated the Commission needs to determine when a finalized plan <br />should be brought to the City Council because the Council needs to approve any plan <br />that is put together. She asked if a timeline could be determined. She thought a plan <br />would need to be done and advertising would need to be started in early August. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson stated there are three meeting in July where the Commission could go <br />before the City Council for approval. She stated if the Commission would want a <br />nd <br />report to go to Council for their July 22 meeting, she would need something put <br />th <br />together by Thursday morning, July 18 before that meeting to include in the Council <br />packet. <br /> <br />nd <br />Chair Beltmann thought this needed to go before the Council at the July 22 meeting. <br />She asked Commissioners Bolinger and Djevi if it would be helpful for the <br />Commission to do some brainstorming at the meeting now or did the Commissioners <br />want some time to get their ideas and thoughts together to bring back to the July <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Commissioner Peterson thought Commissioners Bolinger and Djevi might want to get <br />together and bring forward something to the Commission. If there are other groups <br />with them. Partnering on the movie watching would need to be done as well. The <br />Commission could take the lead on that and have conversations with other groups to <br />see what those groups would want to do themselves and the Commission could help <br />and provide some support for them. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bolinger indicated there was talk about doing a round table or panel <br />discussion or something where the community gets some information. She thought <br />maybe bringing in the Police Chief or City Council member and keep it informal. <br />She wondered if something should be put together as to what the topics should be and <br />and let the Council make the decision. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson recommended bringing forward the idea to the Council and having some <br />things in mind as to what the next steps might be incase the Council shows approval, <br />but she would not plan it and then tell the Council the idea stating something is <br /> <br /> <br />
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