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BENCH HANDOUT: ITEM 7.e <br /> From: Lisa Laliberte<> <br /> Sent: Monday,July 22, 2019 2:02 PM <br /> To: *RVCouncil<>; Pat Trudgeon<>; <br /> Marc Culver<>; Rick Mathwig<> <br /> Subject:Snow Event Parking Discussion <br /> Caution: This email originated outside our organization;please use caution. <br /> Dear Mayor Roe and fellow Council Members - <br /> It was previously communicated that I could not be in attendance at the July 22, 2019 meeting of <br /> the City Council. However, I wanted to send some notes/thoughts related to the Snow Event <br /> Parking Discussion that is part of tonight's agenda.I'll do my best to keep this brief.. <br /> First- I appreciate all the good information that was provided by staff, as well as everyone's <br /> efforts during our most recent snow season and the tracking of data from previous seasons. <br /> While we started this conversation last year, there were many things being done before, during <br /> and after the snow season, by the public works department,the police department, the <br /> communications team, and many others. That is all helpful for the ongoing discussion. <br /> I also want to say that I'm proud of the snow removal and road prep that is conducted in <br /> Roseville. There are always unusual snow events, some with large amounts all at once, some <br /> with rain/ice before or after the snowfall, and some with several rounds of snow. But regardless, <br /> our community is usually quite prepared to move around the city and utilize our roadways before <br /> residents in our neighboring communities. <br /> I'm not sure where your conversation will go tonight, but in 2018 there were several suggestions <br /> being discussed, including- <br /> • Enact a seasonal overnight parking restriction(i.e. 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.) <br /> • Enact a year round overnight parking restriction <br /> • Remove the 2 inch threshold from the current City code, restricting on street parking after <br /> 10 any snowfall <br /> • Use a Snow Emergency system to restrict parking after official notice <br /> • Leave the current parking restrictions as is <br /> Based on these options and the information we have available today, my preference would be to <br /> continue education (for everyone,but especially with multifamily residences) and increased <br /> communication efforts...but to leave the current parking rules and restrictions as is. <br /> That being said, I am supportive of posting seasonal signs for restricted parking in any narrowed <br /> roadway where emergency vehicles have traditionally had difficulty getting through. I'm also <br /> supportive of clarifying that we do not have to wait for 2" to accumulate in every Roseville <br /> neighborhood before we start plowing. And, I support communications that let people know we <br /> may do that in order to stay ahead of accumulations and varying storm conditions. We can add <br />