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ons, as <br /> ons, and <br /> ve <br /> na <br /> ons. <br /> nding. <br />ŋ <br /> es, and key des <br /> ons to and within parks, to open <br /> on facili <br />Policy 4.6: Align development and expansion of non-motorized trails, pathways, community parkways, and other routes with the need to provide connecspaces, recreawell as between neighborhoods, <br /> constellasectors.Policy 4.7: Educate the public on the advantages and safe use of non-motorized trails, pathways, and community parkway connecPolicy 4.8: Develop clear and communicasignage <br /> and kiosks for way <br /> es <br /> on <br /> -road <br /> er new <br /> es for <br /> on of <br /> es that links <br /> ty features. <br /> ng resources). <br /> ons, and facili ons system plan for recrea <br /> es. <br /> on uses, including separate facili <br /> ons <br />Goal 4Trails, Pathways, and Community Connec Create a well-connected and easily accessible system of parks, open spaces, trails, pathways, community connecneighborhoods and provides <br /> opportuniresidents and others to gather and interact.Policy 4.1: Develop, adopt, and implement a comprehensive and integrated trails, pathways, and community connecand transportafor <br /> pedestrians, and bicyclists (including ounpaved trails for bikers and hikers that ochallenges while protecPolicy 4.2: Develop, adopt, and implement a Trails Management Program (TMP).Policy <br /> 4.3: Advocate the implementacommunity parkways on the County Road C and Lexington Avenue corridors to accommodate pedestrian and bicyclist movement and inclusion of community character <br /> and idenPolicy 4.4: Maintain the trail and pathway system through all seasons.Policy 4.5: Make the park system accessible to people of all abili <br /> ed ed <br />ŋŋŋ <br /> <br /> on will be on will be <br /> ons meet ons meet <br /> ve use of the Park ve use of the Park <br /> on to other funding on to other funding <br /> ec ec <br /> on requirements in on requirements in <br /> on regula on regula <br /> on funds to acquire on funds to acquire <br /> es necessary to es necessary to <br /> on concept. Acquire on concept. Acquire <br /> nued e nued e <br /> ons based on needs iden ons based on needs iden <br /> al, commercial, or industrial purposes. al, commercial, or industrial purposes. <br /> on Ordinance. Park land dedica on Ordinance. Park land dedica <br />Policy 3.5: Make conPolicy 3.5: Make conDedicaDedicarequired when land is developed or redeveloped required when land is developed or redeveloped for residenfor residenReview annually <br /> park dedicaReview annually park dedicaorder to ensure that dedicaorder to ensure that dedicastatutory requirements and the needs of Roseville.statutory requirements and the needs of <br /> Roseville.Policy 3.6: Use park dedicaPolicy 3.6: Use park dedicaand develop new land in addiand develop new land in addisources.sources.Policy 3.7: Acquire properPolicy 3.7: Acquire <br /> properimplement adopted park concept plans and in implement adopted park concept plans and in wƚƭĻǝźƌƌĻ͸ƭ /ƚƒƦƩĻŷĻƓƭźǝĻ \[ğƓķ <br />ƭĻ tƌğƓͲ ğƓķ wƚƭĻǝźƌƌĻ͸ƭ /ƚƒƦƩĻŷĻƓƭźǝĻ \[ğƓķ <br />ƭĻ tƌğƓͲ ğƓķ consider other addiconsider other addiin the sector or constellain the sector or constellaƌğƓķ ƚƓ ğ ͻǞźƌƌźƓŭ ƭĻƌƌĻƩͼ Ĭğƭźƭ ǒƓƌĻƭƭ ƚƷŷĻƩǞźƭĻ ƌğƓķ ƚƓ ğ ͻǞźƌƌźƓŭ ƭĻƌƌĻƩͼ Ĭğƭźƭ <br /> ǒƓƌĻƭƭ ƚƷŷĻƩǞźƭĻ determined by the City Council.determined by the City Council. <br />28 <br /> <br />