<br />Heetil¡g,July 5th,1950 at 2 0 f clock
<br />
<br />1~8
<br />
<br />The Village Council met on the above date in a regular session wi t.h the following
<br />members p!"csent:1Æueller ,WillrauE' ,Carlson,Hammersten,L!e~:,1Jrez .Ira Karon, attorney and Carlé;)'
<br />engineer were also present.
<br />The Clerk read the minutes of the former meetings were read and on motion b;y-
<br />Ea."JIf.ersten,s9conded bJr Mueller, the min'.ltcs were accepted as read.Roll Call:Ayes-(5) N.(O)
<br />The Public Hearing on the petition of L.J.Elliott to !"ezone the following èescribed
<br />p~operty was declared open:
<br />Lot 2,Block :5 of L1innesota Realty OViasso Lake Adèiticn,also known as 2890 N.Owasso
<br />Bouleva~cJ.
<br />tel'S Elliott stated that she plromed to operate a beauty parlor in her hOTJe for the
<br />convenience of the neighbors. There being no one present to oppose the rezoning, Carlson
<br />moved,HamI11ersten seconded that the above property be zoned from Farm-Residence District
<br />to Busine8s District.RoH. Call:Ayes-(5),lJays-(O).
<br />?1emorez moved, seconded by Hueller to authorize the attorney to draft an ordinance
<br />to control the operation of Beauty parlor in the '!illage and an ordinance to regulate
<br />junk yards and used carx lots in the Villaë;c.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />The Clerk was instructeè to order a dgr. "Slo~¡ cr.ildren playÜ'.g" t.o be placed on
<br />County Road C2,just West of Fairview Ave. &r1d also notify the Nortl:ern Pacific P.R
<br />about the fire hazard creélted by their train~ traveling th!"o1.:.gh the VillaGe.
<br />Mueller I!loved, seconcied by Hamrl1ersten to authorize the Road Overseer to r8!ìt a truck
<br />fo:' the hauling of black top tc :-:-cpair the Village roads.Roll Call:.A.yes-(5),Nays-(O)
<br />Hamcersten mov-cd, seconded b;r Carlson to at: thorize :'he Weed inspector to purchase
<br />5 ga. 2-4-D weed killer.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Naysg(O).
<br />A peti tior. having been served by the rosident~ in Miè-02.ks 11.'.:Hi.tion req'.wE"ting
<br />t:->c Council that St.ltar:rs Lane be ditched rather than grading it, Cit:r Section, the Village
<br />Engim~er was requested to studJr this ma.tter and upon his recorm,:e'1c12.tions that it be
<br />ditch-::r1,Yueller !!lo'/ed,seconded b;y Carlson that the eniginee:-'s recoIDl'lendation be adopted.
<br />ReI] CaD: A:,res-( 5) ,!'Jays-( 0).
<br />Ha¡IJ..1T¡8rsten moved, seconded bJT Carli:;on to acc:q:t peti tim\ tc vacate the fclJ.0wint;
<br />~tr~_r' of land rold that Public Hearing be hac1. on the matter on Tuesda~' ,July· 2;;+t at
<br />3 ('eJ.ect F.!v~.d the Villa.ge HalL Roll Call:A;yef-(5),~¡dJ:s-(0).:
<br />
<br />Tl1&t part of Tone Street lyinb West of Fernwood Avenue anè ERst of Dellwood
<br />Avenue, being thirty (30) feet ~~de and six hundred forty-one and 45/100 (641.45)
<br />feet long, more or less, and that pa.rt of Dellwood Avenue lying North ",nd West of
<br />Ione Street, being sixty (60) feet wide and cne hundred eighty-one and 6/10 (181.6)
<br />feet long, more or less, both of s<J.id streets being in the following described
<br />property:
<br />
<br />That part of Block 3 "Gottfried", according "to the original plat thereof
<br />on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for
<br />Ralilsey County, Minnesota, anò that pa.rt of rone st. and Dellwood Ave. as
<br />dedicated in the said plat of "Gottfried" together with that part of the
<br />S. w. i of the S. E. 4" of Section 1), Tovr'!1ship 29, Range 23, lying wi thin
<br />the following described bounds: Beginning at the intersection of the
<br />South line of Crawford st. (as dedicated in the plat of "Krannak" on file
<br />and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minne.),
<br />extended west, with the West line of Fernwood Ave. as opened; thence West
<br />along South line of Crawford St. extended 472.66 feet to the Easterly line
<br />of the land conveyed to the County of RDJ1lsey by deed recorded in page 453,
<br />Book 1279 of ¡needs, thence Northwesterly along said Easterly line of land
<br />conveyed to Ramsey County 609.98 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly in a
<br />straight line 60 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 11, Block 3, in said
<br />plat of "Gottfriedll; thence East along the North line of Lots 11 to 18
<br />inclusive, in s;Üd Block 3, 715.38 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 18
<br />in said Block 3 IIGottfried"; thence South 562.L.6 feet to place of beginning,
<br />
<br />in the Village of Roseville, Ltinnesot;:¡.
<br />