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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/23/2019 8:06:54 AM
Creation date
8/23/2019 8:06:44 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Member Misra asked if there was any recommendations or suggestions to the City <br />of what could be done to help clean up the stream, increase more separation. <br />Ms. Davenport thought there were some campaigns the City could do around what <br />the benefit of recycling is and really promoting it. She thought some of the stuff <br />that is already happening in Roseville such as multi -family recycling and recycling <br />in the parks, the community is leaps and bounds ahead of other communities in <br />terms of providing access to recycling across the board. She indicated there are <br />opportunities for education of recycling as well. <br />Member Hammer asked if Eureka has seen any impacts in communities that have <br />banned plastic or Styrofoam and things like that. Has it impacted the Styrofoam <br />and plastic industry. <br />Ms. Davenport explained from the research Eureka has done there has been a <br />decrease in plastic bag usage when banned. She noted the City of Minneapolis, St. <br />Paul and St. Louis Park all passed an Ordinance called "To Go Packaging" which <br />is anything that is take out needs to be recyclable or compostable and Eureka <br />thought that has a positive impact in terms of what is seen in the stream. She noted <br />she did not have numbers as to what the impacts have been yet. <br />Member Joyce stated in the past there were recyclable bottles and he wondered <br />what shifted to stop that. He understood that glass was heavy and does not last as <br />long including reuse. He wondered if there could be a return to that in terms of <br />reuse. <br />Ms. Davenport indicated there are conversations about that going on, even at the <br />circularity conference. There is a joint partnership between a company called <br />Terracycle and Unilever that was announced at announced this year at the World <br />Economic Forum, those two companies are launching a ship call Loop which is <br />piloting in Paris, New York and Washington D.C. right now reusable packing <br />through home delivery. There is some interesting reuse for reusables for the past <br />twenty years that have been pushed aside because it is not convenient and only a <br />small percentage of people will go to the grocery store with their container or <br />whatever. With the advent of home delivery, it creates a unique opportunity to <br />rethink that. She noted the Loop Partnership was abillion-dollar investment. There <br />were advocates across the Country for reduction and reuse. <br />The Commission thanked Eureka Recycling for coming to the meeting to present <br />their annual report and answer questions. <br />6. Water Rate Discussion <br />Mr. Freihammer stated over the past two years the Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission (PWETC) has discussed the water rate structure of <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />
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