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HRIEC Minutes 07-17-2019
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
HRIEC Minutes 07-17-2019
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8/28/2019 10:08:31 AM
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8/28/2019 10:08:28 AM
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Human Rights Commission
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />July 17, 2019 <br />Page 15 of 17 <br /> <br />Commissioner Djevi wondered if the Commission decides to take on finding trainers <br />then how should it be done because SE Roseville is already taken care of and <br />Commissioner Lee is going to work on the NW corner what Commissioners want to <br />work on the rest. <br /> <br />Commissioner Peterson thought contacting the apartment managers is really <br />important. What the response rate is she does not know. <br /> <br />Chair Beltmann felt there were to focuses that the Commission could recommend and <br />while she agreed that focusing on finding people who live at each specific community <br />where there are hot spots could be helpful, she thought there are some blanket, kind <br />of passive ways that the Fire Department can get the information out. She thought if <br />the Fire Department was looking at Train the Trainers it was more important to have <br />people who are culturally appropriate to be Train the Trainer versus come from a <br />particular hot spot area. She thought if the Commission could try to find community <br />leaders within different segments that might be able to go to these different places to <br />meet people and might be more helpful than trying to find people who meet the <br />different demographic needs of each area. <br /> <br />Commissioner Macomber thought another thing that might be helpful is identifying <br />the responsibility and time commitment of a Train the Trainer. What does that really <br />mean. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson was not sure if the Fire Department had that information yet. <br /> <br />Chair Beltmann thought the Fire Department was looking more for ambassadors and <br />will not be a sit down, walk through it item, it is more like show up to community <br />events and help spread the information throughout the community. <br /> <br />Commissioner Peterson agreed. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson thought if there are people that the Commission can identify within <br />culturally relevant groups that might be interested in being an ambassador this could <br />be just one of many things that person could then share within their community. <br /> <br />Commissioners Lee and Macomber wondered if Roseville could have official <br />ambassadors and maybe have a certificate that makes it sort of official. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson thought Minneapolis had a program like that at some point but was not <br />sure if it was still around. <br /> <br />Chair Beltmann noted this goes back to the Engagement Program and fits with the <br />whole reason why the Commission is putting together the list of Community <br />Contacts. She thought the City Council gave direction at the Joint meeting that it is <br />ok to build up that list and if there are contact the Commission has then it is ok to <br /> <br />
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