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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 26,2019 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Councilmember Etten assumed the Roseville Visitor Association has been part of <br /> this process and is quite supportive overall. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon explained he spoke to Julie Wearn last week on this item and she is <br /> familiar with it. He believed there is a RVA Board meeting in September and he <br /> will go through this and will review this topic with Board. He noted that the <br /> Board has some representation from the hotels and staff has been very forthright <br /> in discussion. He thought everyone understood the challenge it is and the city <br /> does not want to be overly restrictive on hotels that are doing well and working <br /> with the city. But, at the same time, the city needs to have some measures that <br /> can be taken. <br /> Councilmember Groff asked what the thinking was between the 730 days for the <br /> residential rather than the previous 365. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon thought this had more to do with code enforcement issues and was <br /> not really police related. The city wants to have the ability to better regulate that. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if the Council wanted to talk about other property <br /> types while the Chief is present. He noted when it talks about commercial proper- <br /> ties and high-density housing, one of the things that needs to be figured out is <br /> where the number falls. Obviously, not all apartment buildings are built the same <br /> and so there cannot be the same regulations for an apartment building of four and <br /> an apartment building of forty units. He thought some sort of ratio should be <br /> made around that. Maybe for commercial, the Council should also think about a <br /> ratio of square feet or something like that. He did not know how to come to a fair <br /> way for that but thought it would be interesting to look at a series of Roseville's <br /> commercial properties and how that ratio breaks down with calls. He would be <br /> interested in those results. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the memorandum of understanding was the key piece. The fee <br /> only applies if the property owner is not willing to cooperate with the city and <br /> figure out ways to solve the issue. One thing he was going to suggest related to <br /> the calls for service, is to work with Ramsey County and count the health com- <br /> plaints towards this. He was not sure if that can be done legally but it would seem <br /> to him that the county would appreciate help in that regard. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated the city does want to reach out to the Radisson with looking <br /> at the numbers, as that business is approaching the threshold and Radisson may <br /> want to do some things on their own. He did understand the Radisson is going <br /> through a rebranding which might help as well. <br />