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<br />',TILLA}:;, Lc'ncIL O? RCS::;\TILLf~ <br />1.1eeting, 'ruesGay October l7th,1'i;;O at 2 P!'.' <br />------ <br /> <br />, Z(1 <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above òate with the following membprs present: <br />l,;uell(~r,I!:embrez,Carlson (3)HaJ'lmersten,WLlmus were absent (2) <br />The Cl"rk read the minutes of the provious r;¡eet::"ng and on motion by Mueller, Carlson <br />they were approved as read.Roll Call - Ayes-(3),Nays-(0). <br />Mr.Christenson and Mr.&Mrs Col.lins residing on Transit Ave were present to discuss the <br />situation of grading Transit Ave from Rice st going vfest. It appears that Mr.Chri~tenson <br />promised the Collins,when he sold them the land on which they buil~ a house,to grade <br />Transit Ave but up to the present time the work has not been done.It also appears that <br />Mr.Christenson has a baTIl located on the street right-of-way which he proMised to move <br />but ap to this time,it has not been done. The Council ordered Mr.Christenson to move the <br />barn before Tuesday ,Nov .7th and that unless he complies with this request, actJ_on will be <br />taken by the Village Council. The grading of the road was to be negociated between the <br />Collins and Christenson. <br />Some resièents of the Village were present again requesting that Council rneetings be held <br />evenings.Owing to the fact that two trustess were absent, the mayor informed them that <br />action will be taken at the next rµeeting. <br />:~r.Lutton appeared as requested in regards to a garage he build on Rice st and Co.Rd.B <br />and in which he was residing under special permit and sold contrary to an agreement signed <br />by mim in 19h7 to the Town of Rose. He promised to consult the building inspector immeèia- <br />tel~r to rúake plans to remedy this situation. <br />',':embrez r:1Oved, seconded by Carlson to instruct the Village Engineer to establish grade <br />on Shryer Ave running West froM ~ale st in Hoffman rlRt.Roll Call: Ayes-(3 )Nays-( 0). <br />Carlson movell,seconded by Muell~r to transfer the licenses issued to the "~he DEPOT" to the <br />neVi owner A.H.Andreason.Roll call:Ayes-(3) ,Nays-( 0) <br />Muell~r ~oved,seconded by Carlson to accept Orchard Lane between Lakeview & Victoria st <br />for maintenance on the recommendation of the Village Engineer.Roll Call:Ayes-(J),Nays-(O). <br />Mueller moved,secondeo by Carlson to adopt an ordiw3J1ce prohibiting the sale of land <br />without .fully aisclosing to the purchaser the status of access and ~~ress roads. Roll Call: <br />Ayes-( 3) ,í;ay[,-( 0). <br />A petition was submitted by Er.Walter Stepnitz requesting the rezoning frohl Farm District <br />to RGsioential "B" 'District the following described property: <br />A tract of land in the NìV~ of the NEt of Sect./..¡, T29n,R2.3W specifically rkscribed as follows: <br />CCffi¡:18ncing at the North ~. corner of saie' sect./..¡, t~lence running East along the East anò West <br />:i line thereof a distance of 705 feet;thence xmm±ng due South at right ,mgles to s;1Íè ~. <br />line a èistance of 775 feet for apoint of beginning; thence lIorth 81°00' East 3/..¡) feet; thence <br />Scuth 20000'East 50 feet;taence South 7/..¡°00'Vlest 360 feet;thence northwesterly following <br />a curve to the right the central angle of which 37°00' and whose radius is 287.9/..¡ feet, <br />46 feet;thence North /..¡°15'West 112 feet to the point of begin~ing. <br />The above description being intendec to describe Lot lO,Block 1 of the proposed plat which <br />is to be called "Shorewood" in the ViLLage of Roseville. <br />Membrez rnoved,seconded by Pueller théJt petition be 3ccepterl and that Public HeIlring be <br />called on Wednesday,November 8th at 2 o'clock F.~. Roll Call:Ayes-(3),nays-(0). <br />'''',31 ter Stepnitz requested that street nanes be changeò in the unrecorded plat "SHOREWOOD" <br />Herschel Ave to be changed to ShGnvood Lane and Eva Ave to be changed to Shenvood Curve. <br />¡I(ueller moved, seconded by Carlson that these changes be :Jpproved.Roll Call:Ayes-(J),Nays-(O) <br />Mudler moveè,seconderl by Carlson to pay the following bills:Roll call::Ayes-(J),NaY8-(0). <br />Eohe:d strong 102.20 Hike Walsh 136.80 "'renk Weinholzer 100.00 <br />~lsa ;f.Obst 8193.90 H.S.;fnrgens 1304.00 Frank Leinen 375.98 <br />Joe F.KoGlska 128.00 George Schulze Sh.oo r:m.rroughs Ac\Üng 1'1ach. 10.32 <br />" 32.00 Milton Bahneman 237.00 ìViJ_liam ¡,r..LUf:lel 25.00 <br />" 103.00 Midtown Cle;mers 6.75 I,1elady Paper Co 31.20 <br />E;l"a g.Obst 7.67 Carrier 51"0:::. 2.38 n.S.power Co 1.00 <br />Joe Aoalska 80.00 Joe Koalska 128.00 Joe Kodpka 30.00 <br />Georèß Schulze 36.00 Tm\l1l of Hose 245./..¡9 <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />On f.1ct~on by 'w~L_er, Sl~C. b;y !.'enbrez t.he <br />~¡a~)(O) ~. " <br /> <br />¿d4~~_ìAayo;n <br /> <br />I.l(;(jting was Rejourned at 6 PJI.Roll call:Ayes(3) <br /> <br />\ <br />\.'<~.. ) I <br />. . ¡.....'V "--'" \./ <br /> <br />t, ~!9.' <br />;"k' /1;\\ ,'" , Clerk <br />,\' .-"....... ("'--" . <br /> <br />,_oP'''' <br />