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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: October 21, 2019 <br />Item No.: 9.g <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Resolution Requesting SCORE Funding from Ramsey County <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 State law requires counties to manage the waste produced by citizens and businesses by waste <br />3 reduction, reuse, and recycling in preference to landfilling. In 1989, the Legislature adopted <br />4 legislation, based on recommendations made by the Governor’s Select Committee on Recycling and <br />5 the Environment (SCORE), to further waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. Among other things, <br />6 SCORE statutes authorize state grants for recycling, managing problem materials, educating the <br />7 public, and other related activities. <br />8 Ramsey County passes through a portion of its SCORE funding to cities. The County requires the <br />9 funding be used for waste reduction, reuse and recycling programs. The County further requires the <br />10 cities to have a permanent source of funding for their waste reduction, reuse and recycling programs. <br />11 Roseville responded by approving the establishment of a recycling fee that has been included as a <br />12 part of the quarterly utility bill. <br />13 Ramsey County has announced that cities may request SCORE funding for 2020. Amounts are <br />14 based on the funds received from the State and based on the city’s population. In 2020, Roseville is <br />15 eligible for approximately $85,181. <br />16 In 2019, SCORE grant funds were used to supplement the curbside recycling program and to fund <br />17 Zero Waste operations at several City events. The 2020 funds are proposed to be used again for <br />18 Zero Waste events and for the general curbside recycling program. <br />19 F INANCIAL I MPLICATIONS <br />20 The use of SCORE grant funds will be used to pay a portion of the Curbside Recycling Program <br />21 costs as well as help fund elements of the Zero Waste events throughout the year. <br />22 S TAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />23 It is recommended the Council adopt a resolution requesting SCORE funding from Ramsey County. <br />24 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />25 Motion adopting a resolution to request SCORE funding from Ramsey County. <br />26 Prepared by: Ryan Johnson, Environmental Specialist <br />27 Attachments: A: Resolution <br />Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br />