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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: October 21, 2019 <br />Item No.: 9.d <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Approve 2020 Sanitary Sewer Lining Agreement with Falcon Heights <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 The City of Roseville and Falcon Heights currently have a Joint Powers Agreement in which <br />3 Roseville provides engineering services to Falcon Heights to oversee and manage their infrastructure <br />4 and projects. For 2020, Roseville staff has worked with Falcon Heights to develop a sanitary sewer <br />5 lining project. <br />6 Roseville staff has also been developing its annual sanitary sewer lining project for Roseville. Since <br />7 the projects for each City are similar in scope, staff recommends the two projects be completed under <br />8 one contract. This provides a larger scale project which should result in better bid prices. Having <br />9 one contract to manage also saves staff time. By doing one joint project, both cities should see some <br />10 cost savings versus doing separate projects. <br />11 In order for Roseville’s sewer lining contract to include Falcon Heights’ portion of the work, a sewer <br />12 lining agreement (Attachment A) for the project has been created. This agreement is similar to the <br />13 agreement that was approved in 2018 for the 2019 sewer lining project. The agreement documents <br />14 the scope of the project in Falcon Heights, who is responsible for the design, construction <br />15 management and how the project is paid for. All costs for construction within Falcon Heights will <br />16 be paid by Falcon Heights. All engineering costs related to Falcon Heights’ portion of the project <br />17 will be paid by Falcon Heights. The agreement allows Falcon Heights to review the bids prior to <br />18 award and if the bids are in excess of 20% over estimate, Falcon Heights must approve or reject the <br />19 bid prior to award by Roseville. <br />20 Falcon Heights is scheduled to approve the agreement on October 23, 2019. <br />21 The 2020 Sanitary Sewer Lining project is scheduled be advertised for bid in late October and is <br />22 scheduled to be awarded at the November 25, 2019 Roseville City Council meeting. <br />23 P OLICY O BJECTIVE <br />24 It has been the City’s policy to manage and maintain the street infrastructure utilizing pavement <br />25 management policies which achieve the lowest overall cost to the City over time. This <br />26 reconstruction project is consistent with those goals. <br />27 B UDGET I MPLICATIONS <br />28 Falcon Heights will reimburse Roseville for all construction costs related to the project which is <br />29 estimated to be $206,000. Falcon Heights will also pay Roseville for all engineering costs related to <br />30 the Falcon Heights portion of the project. <br />31 The Roseville portion of the project is estimated to be $850,000 and will be funded using the sanitary <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />