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<br />VILLAGE COFNCIL Or.' ROSE'JILLE <br />MeetinffJ Tuesday, Nov. 21s~___}J.?_~~_2 PM <br /> <br />!3;¿ <br /> <br />The Village Council !11l-)t on the above date with the r:J.emhers present: <br />\'1:eller, ¡-:ammersten, Willmus, Carlson,Membrez.Ira Karon, attorney and F'rank Leinen, Tre;:¡s. <br />were also present. <br />The Clerk reaò the minutes of the previous meeting and on motion by HaI>1I!1er~'ten, <br />seconded by Mueller,they were 2.pproved as read. Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />The Pt;.})lic Hearing on the rezoning matter of Louis Kersten was declared open. The <br />petition presented by !,¡1r.Kersten read as follows: <br />" That part of the West 3/1.1. of Northeast ~ East of Center line of Long Lake Road, <br />1\ Sect.8,T.29,R.23 subject to roads and excepting therefrom the railroad right-of-way <br />and Southerly 5 feet thereof, also that part of the NorthEast i of Sect.8,T.29,R.23 <br />1\ West of Long Lake Road and North of the Railroad right-of-way excepting therefrom <br />" West 934 feet thereof. <br />fro;!} Farm-residence District to Industrial 11'istrict. <br />There being no one :pbesent to op}.ose this rezoning,Hammersten moved, seconded by <br />Carlson that it be zoned Industrial District.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />Norman C.Horton's application for a license to opèrate as a Junk Daaler was rejected <br />hecause the legal dct-scription on the application coes not conform with the property now <br />zoned as Business Ðistrict. Ira Karon was instr1:cted to go ahead with his action as <br />instructed following decision by the Village COlll1cil at their meeting of Nov.8th,1950. <br />Carlson moved, secor,ldeè by Yfillmus to instruct the County Engineer r s Office to <br />plow Dnd sanè the Village streets when necessary during the winter months. Roll Call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br />Carlson moved, sec. by Hammersten to request the Co.Engineers to prepare a 'blue print <br />showing the exact location of barn and other obstructions which are located on Tranl'õit Ave <br />right-of-way.Roll Call :A~Tes-( 5) ,Nays-( 0). <br />Theodora M.E.SH¡:¡tad and Ida 2.':.Olson having requested that grade be established <br />or¡ Alòine Place and AldiIle street for the purpose o!: grading both streets, a large repre¡:o- <br />sBntûtion of residents in Riègewoüd were present to oppose the opening of Aldine Place. <br />The residents of Woodside addition directly to the West of Ridgewoocì agreed after long <br />dscussion that they will not oppose the vacation of Aldine Place if proper ease!Jlent <br />is furnished so that AJ.dine Flace can be used until Aldine Street is graded to Rose18wn <br />Ave.There is only a 30 ft. right-of-way on Aldine Street from Ryan Ave to Roselawn Ave <br />an,; it appears from a survey made by Mr.Carle~! RegjEngineer that a r£r.Maynard has his <br />house and garage 45 feet Ð.ud ho feet respectively from the; center of the rORd. It is, <br />therefcre necessary to obtain an easement of at least 20 feet from ¡""¡r . Maynard in order <br />to have a 50 foot right-of-way from Ryan Ave to Roselawn Ave. An offer to pay Mr.Ha;ynard <br />$400.00 for 10 feet with the provision that he gives 10 feet was made. It was also sugges- <br />ted that a drainage problem Mr. Uaynard has had for ID.311Y years coulè be remeàied at the <br />Ëame time the street is graded without cost to Mr.~f¡aynard. He promised to make a decision <br />aDC let the clerk know the following day. In the meantime,Hammersten moved, seconded by <br />l'::w::ller that petition to vacate AIdine Place be accepted and that Puè:lic Hearing be had <br />on Wednesday,Dec.6t.h,1950 at 2 o'clock F.M. at the ITi 11 a¡:;e Ha11.Roll Call:Ayef'-(5)Nays-(0) <br />The North Star ConstructJ.on Co subrÜtted a pet-i..tion aslcing for the rezoning of the <br />follcwing deecribed real estate: <br />That portion of swi OF SE-;i OF SECT.4T.29,R.23LYING SOUTHEHLY OF A LINE PARALLEL ·WITH <br />A 1.~ISTMJT 22.5 FEET SOUTHERLY lÆEASUR11) AT RIGHT ANLES FROM CENTER LINE OF 1:1AIN TRACK <br />OF NCR.THER..~ PACIF~C RR.CO. AS NOW CCN~;THUCTßD AIm BETIlEI.<:1'J TWO LINES AT RIGHT ANGLES TO <br />SAII!ì CENTER LINE AT POINTS THEREIN DISTANT ILSSPEC'l'IVELY 130 FEET AN!!) 530 FW..'."'T WESTERLY <br />¡\ŒASURb.lJ ALONG SAIIC' CENTER LIN:;; :F'ROl'A BILE POST 4 vnaCH ¡'HLE POST !S LOCATED 1525.5 FEET <br />-WESTERLY MEASURE!!) ALONG SAID CENTER LIN}:"; FRŒ,! EAST LItIE OF SAID SECTION. <br />FROM FARM*RESIDENCE District to an INDUSTHIAL lìistrict. <br />Mueller moved, sec. by Harrunersten to accept petition and that Puhlic Hearing be had on <br />Wednesday, December 6th,19S0 2.t the Village Hall-Roll Call:.Ayes-(5) ,Nays-( 0). <br />IJueller rJoved, sec, by Hanmersten to tranefer licenses from Anthony Schutta to <br />Leo Kafka for business operated at 3115 No.Cleveland Ave. Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />