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<br />1?il:;'age CouncÚ of Ro~eville <br />I,¡;;e_~~~g, ~u?i'day ,'.:.,ecember 19th,1950 <br /> <br />136 <br /> <br />The VillaGe Council met on the above date at 2 0 I clock F .1.'. <br />members presont.MUlÚler, Harrtidersten, Y!illmus, Carlson,~!'embrez. <br />Fnmk Leinen, Treasurer were ali'O rresent. <br /> <br />with the following <br />Ira r:aron,attorney and <br /> <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the previou8 meetinG anÔ on motion by IIammersten,sec. <br />1)y I!:ueller,they were 2:c,croved aE read.Roll Call:/\ye8-(5),nays-(0). <br /> <br />Tne Public Hearing on the following rezoning matters was declareè open: <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />1: E..>:cept the north 412.. S ft., the East 400 ft. of the yjest 500 ft. of the NW~ of the <br />S\¡,¡~ of Sect.3,T.29N-R.23;'i and subject to S.T.E l'Jo.5l (Ommed by L01.:is Gluek) <br />!¡a¡:Jffierst.én moved, seconded by Willmus that the above propert;y be zoned from Farm- <br />resi¿ence [;istrict t.o B~siness District .Eoll Call: .Ayes-(.5) ,Nays-( 0). <br /> <br />;'!:':'he East 500 ft. of SE~ of NEt of Sect.l¡,T.29,R.23,subject to S.T.E. ;md Lydia st. <br />(Oìmeè b;y Floyd Olson) <br />ì'iillmus moved,8ec.Hammersten that the ;:¡bove propertJ' be zoned fror.l T'Rnn-re8idence <br />District to B"ùsi.ness District.RalJ r,all:Ayes-(5),Na~rE-(O). <br /> <br />3:The East 300 V:est tlO ft.ef ;)0.)42 ft. of S'N~ of IJ1Y* of Sect.3,T.29,R.23 <br />subject to 8o~nt~r Road !/C2" and S.T.E.S:;. (O\''Íned b;'1 Edwarò ;;iillmus) HpX:l:¡er8ten moved, sec. <br />by ;/'-èc11er to zone from F.-R.DiE't. to BusinesE' ni8t.Roll Cê.ll:Ares-(S),NR;)rs-(O). <br />4:The East 2db Yiest J?6 ft.ef lJo.1..¡12.S ft. of NW~·of the S\~f¡, of Sect.3,T.?9.R.23 <br />8ubject to CountJ' Road tlC2" and S. T .B.51. (Owned by Oscar T.I.irrberg) <br />:'uellcl' IfIovcd,seconded by Ha;lI!ler~;ten to zcr,e thic· above propert;y froIf' "Pé?rr:1-Hes. tr:istrict <br />to ::''usiness ïr.istrict.Roll Call:Ayes-(S),NaYG-(O). <br /> <br />Ernest, ¡,[arKham compLÜned ó-bout not gettinG road vlork ir: the Village in Yíhich he reSlces. <br />He stated that he w<:.s a heavy t2X ra:rer é!J1d that he VJRS enti tleè to some consideration. <br />Ee also :5áid in ;'¡;'ny caees, he coul¿ save the Village ¡¡wney in the rentëÜ ef equipments. <br />I\Cayor Lil;eller suggested that the road overseer ,ioe W.Koalska gives Er.!.~arkham 2 chance <br />to biè on some of the work in the fè <br /> <br />;,'ilr:er Carle;-, reqlèested the 3pproval of' the Council ':or the followir.g plats: <br /> <br />:;HOI-i)]'v(:C;C FLAT (propert;y Joci-lteci i.é:st cf Fairview anu j;o.of L:.'(Üa) i.iuel1er rLOved,sec. <br />b~' CëŒlsor¡ to accept plat.Roll can:A;'e['-(5),!:éJ.:'~-(O). <br /> <br />ECSETTE FIAT (rrupert;y locateÔ en Snelling Ave approx. 1/1. ~,1J...Le No. of Co.lid.C. <br />1.':l;:::11er movHi,s<;conoec: by Carlson tc approve plat.Ra:I_: C;Ül:Ayes-(5),Noys-(0). <br /> <br />VERDE I-lf..VEN PLAT (Fomerly Leinen Heights ¡'lat.) Owing to the fact that this plat had <br />already been pl;t on record as Leinen HfÜghts pl8t, the q~estion arose as to whether or <br />not the same plat with a dif£'erent name cault be accepted without going through the <br />çTocess of law. Ilr.IrE. Karon Wé.S intr1.Jcteè to look int.o the matter. <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded b:'l CarlGop. to adopt an. ordinance regulating the obstruction of <br />ctreets in the Villó.ge.P..oll C:,,1l:Aye~'-(5),r;2Ys-(O). <br /> <br />llanmersten moved,secondËd by IÆueller that the Public Hearing to vacate Aldine ?lace <br />be continuod to our next meeting,January 2nd,195l.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />DIu? [rints were subrd tted .for G. building to. be erect~à North of thet;.xif5t:.¥J¡g.p,er ,proj ect <br />on the North-East corner of Lexington and lerpenteur Ave. bJ' the ~~~~. ~1 C'ù,¡si-c;, <br />EaIn.ll1ersten moved, seconòed bJr ~:I1Jeller to aut!-.orize the· 3uilding I:1spector to iS3ue a . <br />builc'ing pe:rrlit to the ,~t:r8'~'\;~~. RO,l~'-(5),t!ays-(O). <br />'\'. .L~C.c\iÎl (\ctI.1Í.'h\<.10('ù~{:. <br />C~'\t'1 t+t II~1' I <br />r C; ~ n= I <br />