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Mr. Culver indicated that was correct. <br />Vice Chair Wozniak thought that fit in with Dr. Sandor's presentation about over <br />watering. He wondered if there was some way to put those two things together. <br />Mr. Culver indicated staff is planning on being very aggressive next year with an <br />outreach campaign, particularly directed to the high-water users that the city knows <br />is irrigating and encourage them to use new technology to help lower their water <br />usage. The city has applied for some grants to hopefully do some rebates for some <br />actual controllers and things like that. Even if the city does not get the grants dollars <br />may be set aside to do that and get at least a couple of users in Roseville to do it <br />and report on the results. The Council was not opposed to ever setting an additional <br />tier but what the Council wanted to do was do a targeted outreach campaign first <br />and see if people will change their behavior by doing that first and then increase <br />the rates if needed. <br />Member Misra thought with all of the developments going in that have not done <br />their landscaping could the city talk to them about some of the options. <br />Mr. Culver indicated that could be done. <br />Member Hammer inquired if the city gets much inquiring when the rates are <br />published. <br />Mr. Culver indicated generally there is not much inquiry. He thought most people <br />really do not notice. The recycling one might be interesting because of the <br />percentage. <br />Motion <br />Member Joyce moved, Member Hammer seconded, to approve the 2020 <br />Utility Rate Schedule. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Abstain: 1 (Wozniak) <br />Motion carried. <br />8. Sustainability Efforts in Community Development <br />Community Development Director Janice Gundlach was at the meeting to present <br />the sustainability efforts within her department including Economic Development <br />focus areas. <br />Chair Cihacek asked Ms. Gundlach to expand on the MN GreenStar and MN Green <br />Community certifications. He wondered what each one was and differed and what <br />each one represented. <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />