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<br />VILLJtï~ COmiC:;:L O? nCSmTILLE <br />t1eeti~g, Tuesday, J anuar~ ].6tr:, 1951]. ~__~!i'_ <br /> <br />139 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members present: <br />]\.1ueller, Carlson, Ha:;111.ers"tcn, Willmus ,}lo!J1bre~. Ira Karon l"lttorney and r<'rmk Leinen were <br />also pre~;ent. <br />The Clerk read the rJinutes of ,the previous rueeting and on motion by 11ueller, sec. <br />b~i Ha:1',uerst.en, the minutes Ÿfefle appreved as read.Roll Clill :A.yes-( 5) ,lJa~rs-(O). <br />H2ffiffiersten moved, seconded by Mueller that the PUblic Hearing on the vacation of <br />Aldine Place be continueè to February 20t.h at 2 o'clock F.M.Roll Call:Ayes-(5)Na~'s-(O) <br />The Clerk submitted the Village Fin2J1cial statement for the year ended Dec. 31st, 1950. <br />Hé3.ffiI1er:::ten moved, seconded b:¡ Mueller to accept the state;.¡ent as presented and signe¿ by <br />..... the Trustees.Roll Call:l\ð'es-(5),Nays-(0). <br />" Ha.r:JIì18rsten moved, secmnded by Willmus that we advertise again for bide for a grtlvel <br />pit in the St.Paul Legal Leèger anò bids to be open February 6th,1950.Roil Call: <br />\~ye 5- (5) ,N aJ' s-( 0) . <br />peter p.Voeller's application to sell cigarettes,focdstuff and beer off sale was <br />B(,proved and cle:::-k authorized to issue licenses on notion b~r Mueller, seconded b:l <br />Hé'.ffirnersten.Roll Call: Ayes-( 5) ,Ha3Tf-( 0). <br />Carlson moved, seconded by Hamrnersten that the clerk wri to a letter to the state <br />Highway I)ept. requesting for recorrl1:¡endations on sPl3ed lil11i t of 40 miles per hour <br />on Snelling Ave within the Village lir.1i.ts,na!.1el~r from Rcselawn Ave to Count;;,' Road T. <br />Roll Call :AyeG-( 5) ,t.¡a:7s-( 0). <br />HélIi'J:1ersten moved, secondeò b;;,r i\JIuC:.ller to pa;y the Villéibe of Falcon Heights for ß7 <br />fence posts at the élI;praised value which represents their share of the personal property <br />as per agreement. Ro2.1 Call:Ayes-(5),l'Jays-(O). <br />H2!Tl!j~ersten movf;u, seconded b:l Carlson that th¿ clerk requests the County Boarè to <br />investi6&te traffic signals at the intersection of Lar-¡:;enteur A'le Me! Lexington A'!e. <br />Rcll Call: Ayes-(;;) ,rJays-(O). <br />r,~a~/or ]¡¡ueller receJil;:,enÖ.ed the .1.ppointement of Dr.H.S.Sekhon,residng at SOl So. <br />:vÍcCarrcns Boulev2rd 3S the Village Heé:lth Officer for the ensuing year. Mueller moved, <br />seconded by Hamraersten tv appoint him Dr.Sekhon.Roll Call:Ayes-(5)Nayp-(0). <br />I~en Fabyanske ,fin=: chief appeared before the Council to agdn request the.t an <br />2(;cition be erected above the garage in which our fire trucks are 10c&ted.~he owner <br />Geo.neiling is willing to erect a [.;~cond dor;y to the existing building provida'ì the <br />Village aggeeE to a lease for ;; ~7ears. It was suggested thAt the Council meets ~'7Í th <br />R~iling to òiccuss details before any deci~ion is reacted. <br />;,:ueller moved, WEl:-:J.1,;.s to T,ay the folJ_owinf; bills:Roll Cal1:!lyes-(5)Nays-(O). <br />Clcrence It.strong 102x.20 IÆi}~e VJ3.1sh 06.80 Fronk Weinholzer 100.00 <br />ROfIJeville Fire Relief 465.10 Sqv.ires~( Borden 97.1,7 Bellis Bros. 7.04 <br />N.S.Fower Co 3.02 N.W.Bell Tel.Co 13.70 Hilton Baheneman, 355.00 <br />Press Publishing Co 51¡.00 If Ir 10.93 Carrier Bros. h3.G5 <br />N.S.po\^'er Co 1.00 Elsa M.Ob"t,Tres.1J07.94 St.Faul Legal Ledger 6.53 <br />Joseph F.Hipp 15.00 II II 7 .67 Com~truction Bulletin 11.00 <br />Frank Leinen 102.60 fra11k !Jeinen 10.90 Vim H.Hite Agency L~9.76 <br />Membrez mC'led,secoaded by !!'uel1er tha.t meeting he adjOllrned.Roll Call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />~ <br />'-, <br /> <br /> <br />d: /~ <br />-_..' .. J <br /> <br />>-;t.~ ~ ....I.layor <br /> <br />