<br />~,~eeting,Tuef)rla;YJrebruary 6th at 2 PM,1?51
<br />
<br />140
<br />
<br />':;'he VïllaEe Council :net on the above date with the following ,nember S pr',=sent:
<br />Mueller ,!larrJI'18rsten, Carlson, 1:h1 L"'!lu8 ,I.1eJTI.brez (5) ?rank Leinen, treasurer was also present.
<br />':'~;2 Clr;rk rl:Õad the :ninutes of the previous meeting anè on motion by Ilueller, sec. by
<br />h21nlllersten they were approved as read.Roll Call ::.;:res-( 5), Na;'fs-( 0).
<br />'l'he bids for a gravel pit were opened and the following prices were cuoted:
<br />Oscar Gottfied (pit located on North side of Larpenteur Ave between ìIænline and Fernwood
<br />),JOO yds @ 37i¢ per ~rd. 10,000 ;,rds @ 40¢ per yd. 1,,000 yds ~ 42~¢ per yd.
<br />J .A.Klubertanz (pit located Ylest side of Highwa.;'i B between SooLine UnderpaEs al'1d Co.Rd r
<br />5000 yds @ 15¢ per yd. 10,000 yds ~ 15¢ per yd. 15,000 yds ~ 15¢ per yd.
<br />Ba.YJ.k Money orders of at least 10% of the bids were enclosed by the bidders.
<br />HæTnersten move~;seconded by Mueller to check bids against specifications.Roll Call:
<br />.'(-us-( ~ )Mays-( 0)
<br />IDrainage plans WGre submitted by the County Surveyor's office in connection with the
<br />Co~~ty project of draining ~¡amp along Snelling Ave,South of Co.Rd.C. It was suggested
<br />to call a special meeting v;ith x representatives of the State Highway and the County of
<br />Ransey. The Clerk was instructed to make arranßu'lentE for s\;.ch a meeting.
<br />guellcr moved, seconded by HéJi;¡[.¡ersten to rent space on corner of Lexington anò lone st
<br />for the Off Sale Liquor Store. The space avaÜ,able at present is 19 by 20 feet at the
<br />rental of 50.00 per lt1onth. A ditional srace wil~_ be provided facing Lexington Ave .l.iÌ
<br />LD8 near future. The rental is to begin ~,larch lst,1951. Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />;,lr.'.f'heo.Schultz acting for the School Board,District #3 req~lested the Council to waive
<br />the building permit fees for the cowotruction of schools in the diptrict. Membrez r.101Ted,
<br />seconded by Harmnersten to waive the usual fees.Roll Call:Aycs-(5),r¡a~Ts-(O).
<br />;{9.ill1;Jersten ;noveè, seconêed by Carlson to award the legal publications of the Villz.ge
<br />to the Rose Tribune for the ensuing ;yeBl' at the following rates:
<br />Le5al notices 60¢ per folio anè 10¢ for aÖditional tabular ':latter.
<br />R(':;l Call:Ayes-(5),~Ji-i:¡S-(0).
<br />Ä2mmersten moved, seconded by Ivlueller to acc}3}3t the petition rre8cr:ted by Vie -':.or Franer
<br />to V3CÐ-te alleys in the fo::'lowing c'escribüci TJroperty E.nè that public hearing be had on
<br />the matter on Tuosday,L1arch 6th at 2 PI: in the Vill:s.ge H211,~IaLlli:1e 8.nð Co.Ho.?
<br />Roll call:Ayes-(5),NéJYs-(O).
<br />" Alle;¡rs in Block No.2,3,4,S,6 .~~ 7,Rice street Grard View Aèdition to St.Paul,
<br />If according to tl'le plat thereot on file and recorè in the of:"ice of the negisier of
<br />" 'Jeeds in éJlH for Rar.I,",(~Y County ,Ünnesota. .
<br />:ial;lrner~tenc:lOvec:,seconded b~r Ca~'lEor: to conr',Jr the dection of the Ro~eville Volunteer
<br />Fire Dept. for the 011suing ~'e3r ,namely:
<br />Y.:81"18th F'abyansko,shief,aerb L;,mch,lst Asslt C~ief,Adolph Olson 2;ld Mslt Chief,
<br />Arthur (;a1' riel', secretary, ):1il ton Dahneman, Treasure:r, I. H. Ei;yn ck, ;:'ire Yarsha1,
<br />Albert IÜn~z,Asslt Fire I'/?rEÌlal.
<br />Roll Call:Ayes-(S?,Nays-(O).
<br />:"err:bre~. moved, sec. by (;<,I1'lo5on to accept the application of Hunson S Plaz3 Drugs ,1702 l~o.
<br />Lexington to sell cigarettes and foodstuff-Roll call:A.yes-(5),:J2.2'S-(0).
<br />Clarence strong 102.20 Frank WeiEholzer 100.00 Ii!Iike Výalsh 56.eO
<br />Liquor Control Conrn. 1.00 Louis Sch:~avino bO.OO peterson's 120.00
<br />Hamm Brewing Co 1039.85 Schmidt Erowing 4léJ. 75 Me Lauglllin :aev. 630.07
<br />Mc Lean IT!ist.Co 9h.J5 Joe ~':ánholzer DiEt. 17.05 Pabst Sales Co 52.90
<br />Anheuser Busch Co 79.'-+2 John GJ11ek r~ü:t.co 99.80 Dr'ewry & Sons 12.50
<br />Midwest Wine Co 269.45 Eò.Phillips Sam: Üh53.50 Distillers Dist.Co1289.35
<br />Grigg:" Cooper Co 2402.01 Qeo.Benz Sons 243.24 olà peoria Inc. 706.98
<br />Fænous Brands,Inc. 1272.6.1 Collector Int.Revenue 150.So VlmA.l,;llellcr 80.00
<br />B.H.HaIílmenten 60.·JO Harry Carlson 60.00 Jeo.HeI:lbrez 150.00
<br />Frank Leinen 75.00 Ira Karon 100.00 Frilllk Leinen 323.33
<br />Geo.Guligowski 35.00 Kath :3ros. 31.03 Kenneth Fabyanske 19.65
<br />1.:ilton Jahnemilll, treas. 301. GO ]~arLett Service 2.50 powlan-IJelson Co 180.00
<br />Zarl 1)88 Lauriers 18.50 st.Paul te~;al tedger 5.23 St.Faul Legal Led. 79.38
<br />i\.S.Fmver Co 1.0'J lI.S.power CO L+.13 N.7í.Bell Tel.Co 10.93
<br />1:. \'i~: 11 ':'01. cc 13. 70 S+, 1.:1 thony Fuel Co 23.50
<br />H..amme sten mo.vcci,sec.b;y carlso.n tp pay the./bi.lls..ab.o-ve.R. 01lcal1:.A~res-(5)'?JaYf)-(0).
<br />!'em ~_ J.lo¥e(~e~ l':ugJler to adj Ol1!"l'1 LlrtÆ:;ting .Roll ~~all: A..vefj- (S ) , ~.ays-( 0)
<br />_ ~ ().:. .~~_ )~a:/or )-t:~::?/\,\\. .e.~L/~À..L~ clp.rk
<br />
<br />t
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