<br />'l:i.~.J.age CouE:il ")f Rosevil~_e
<br />;,~c~'~inb' Tuesda:r..yeb. ~Ot~~ 19)~_} . PI,;
<br />
<br />141
<br />
<br />t
<br />
<br />'¡'he Village Council met 011 the ahove d2.te with the Îo~lowing menbers pre['~nt:
<br />Mueller,Hanmer~ten,Willmus,C;arlson,¡:Lembrez. ?raJ,k J,einen 'Ireas~rer was also pr8sent.
<br />'¡'be Clerk reaò the minut8s of the previous aeeting anrl on motion by J",,,;ller, sec.
<br />by Hemmersten,the minutes were approvec~ aE' rearl. Roll Call:Aves-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />The rnati.er of vacating Aldine Place came up. The attcrneys for the adjoining
<br />property oìvners:.]ohJl ChristoDherson,Larry l'elson,r'~pres.froril the firm of She-rod and
<br />Sullivan were present. Aìter so;n8 discussj.on as XkR to the compensation to !Ær.Mavnerà
<br />ælà the drainage plan, it W3S sl~ggested that the hearing be continued at 2. latter date.
<br />Mueller f.loveò, see. b;'l Hamnersten to continue the hearing on April 3rà, 1951. RrJll Cal]:
<br />Ayes-(S),Nays-(O).
<br />The met ter of a ~:ign to be erected by a proposed filling station on the corner of
<br />Lexington and Dione St.W2S rIif'cussed.It appears th9 th9 ordinance is not cle;:¡r ancl it
<br />was suggesteè to have the Vill~.¿.:;tè Attorney, wl:.o was absent, clarify the Iílat ter for the
<br />Council.
<br />The Co.L:"ins re::ÜdinG on 'lransit:, Ave ",ere [resent again tm inC1uin~ about future
<br />aetiC':-l on having the Avenue clearpc1 of all 0~1struc;tions so that the street can be
<br />graded. Thp attorne;v being absent,the:T were informed to wait until r.:r.Karon can be
<br />contacted on the matter.
<br />Ii.A.Davis ,Consulting l':ngineer lecated in the COIOJ:1c::'ce P1JÍlding appeareò to offer
<br />L1sir sc:rvices on future plamÜng for tl"o Vill"ge.
<br />:Cnute ;:J.Haglunc. p~esentec a petit:i.on asl,i:1g for the rezoning 07' the following
<br />o,,~:vribed p::'operty fron Fa:r1'"l-residence':'istrict to claf's C Ref'idential r-istrict:
<br />Ail tl:at part of the N1;r~ of ;:'Jct.S ~.29,P.23 describeè 2S foLOìíf::CO!:u:!encint: at the
<br />:m co"ner of the IJ1'i;\ cf paid sect.5,the.'lce 'lV.along Ii. line of Sairl !r.v~ èistrmce of 330.0
<br />fcC't to thA C8n.ter ::'ine of publ:tc Hichwa;,,' 63,; +hellce SW'1;1I along center of said HighwE'J'
<br />j.L2t:1I!C8 191J.Jh :eet ¿~() the point of beginning of the property intended to be conveyed
<br />ther:ce at right angle with saÜ1 Hi~Ìlway distance 11,}.2.0 fE.et to a point in the \'Jest line
<br />of séÜd lJW~l;thence S.ciong Y;.line of súid Imi èÜt:Rllce 2276.90 Ù"et to the S1V corner of
<br />DaÚ: ¡J'i0~;thence E.Úo~g S,line of said NW4 rlistance 39.50 to the center line of hefore
<br />nlel:tiQllf~d F-lighwa;,/;t:Jence NE'ly along cerlter line of saiÖ IÜ¡;hwé?;Y a è,istance of 13.10 ft.
<br />tü the be, inning of 2. curve;tlwnce !J:r:'l;y DJlt' 1¡ degree curve to táe ~ight distance J..¡l2.S0
<br />ft.tv i:.r:e end of saíc! curv8;thence NE'ly PlODg center LrlP of saiò Highway a èistéJnce
<br />13lli6.¿c !t.to the point of oegiĆÜ.q;;EXCEFT the !JEIly 9111.66 ft.measureè along the cer.-
<br />ter line of Highway b.
<br />EaITJner.::ten mOVfJè, seconoed by c·,'i.r.lmus to GCC8p+' petition 2.Eè thFt ?utlic :-lua.ring be har
<br />on the matter on HJrC'rl 6th,l:!5l ct 2 O'clOCk p.r. at tte Vill&ge H21l. FoIl CÚ1:
<br />I "E:c_f ~ \ '¡,ì",,,,,_f\ (ì)
<br />..'.,J " \--' /, ,C<." v.
<br />The liquor ~t(;te clerl<:s, ~~trong, Weinholzer tndf":alsh 2.npeared bef4:ìre tr.e Counc::'l to .in-
<br />CjLC..re aboüt ov<órtime, salEr;r in'~Tt-;2:::e::;Jf anè Y'egi:::ter COI':plEints the JT¡2Imer the iluèi tors
<br />RO"}énÖ-¡;elson Co audit é:GC j.nventor;,' the s-:'Gck. TLe;)'" ,"!ere of t)~(' opinion that no acurate
<br />y'c:;::ortR C·3.n be nade b;i them cìÜng tNR to ",-:,te fact that tLe licrùor cler1~s are allowed to
<br />20l,nt tho¿: ::òtock and call it to the auèi tors wnen invcntoQT is taken and many other inci-
<br />c'er:t~ "hich show carelene~s on their péJrt.
<br />A.fter so;;¡e ciscussion,Hal'¡];¡ersten moved, seconded by vrillaus to discontinue their services
<br />as of I/Iarch lst,1951.Roll Call:Ayes-(S),Ji2yt-(O).
<br />L':ueller moved, seconded b~' HaJ.ll-!()r~·ten tCJ recol:lmend '.::'heo.h.Sbgul tz for Village 2sses~'or
<br />fcr th' ensuing Y'?8r.Roll Call: A.ves-(;:) ,lJaY8-( 0).
<br />Hammersten I:lOved, seconded b~1 Mu~ller to adopt the following resolution;Roll C,ÜI-A;yes-
<br />(5 ),NayEO-(O).
<br />YlEER2Jt2:, a petition \·:as filed by ct majcrHy of tte ovmen: of the lam~ 20utting opon
<br />r!.s.rnarè street as locateè in Honeville A<iùiti,cn,B.amsey Co.in the Vil:Lage of Roseville.
<br />V'iriSREAS; it:..", to UlP bef"t inter",:st of the Fu':Jlic to chanEe the r:ar.le of th8 str,~ct
<br />fror:l Barnard st. to Belnont Lime;
<br />HOW TH.c;R1~FORE BE IT RSSOLì7S'C ttat the na'ile be changed from Barnard st. to Belmont
<br />LaI1e.
<br />~::Uijllcr ¡¡,aved, secondeè by L(eohrez to continue meetir:g to 'luesr1ay, February 27th 51
<br />at\7 o'clock Lt,:. Holl C2.J.l:A'.'es·-(Sì,¡']a"~-(o.1.
<br />
<br />-....;y . p' .'Y?..l, l' .' ~ '. VI'", _ /1\. _ l. .
<br />.-,"/:.!Þ{,J.(Jþ .L:._(~'!.f;:..tl:.t-j..::.__=::_____; ':¿çor _~~~~_Cl'":rk.
<br />
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<br />