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<br />Village Covncil of noseville <br />_ _Hl,~~.?_tirlg" 2~e~d!-;YT!}I~~c~ ?..!-~! 19)1 at 2~~,~_ <br /> <br />143 <br /> <br />The Village Council ;'let on ths above date witll the .following r;¡ef.1bers present: <br />J'~u21Ier ,~aImllersten, Carlson, Wi1lmus ,:1embre7, .:rï'ré,nk L ,iuen, 'Treasurer and Ira Y.2ron, <br />.sttcrns;r, were also pr:èsent. <br />1':1e Clerk re?c the ninutes of meetin¡.:;s of Fd).20th and 27th and on fJotion by <br />Vueller,seconèe:: by Ha:¡ynersten the;.' were aprroveè as read.Roll Call:Aye~-(.5),Nays-(O) <br />:¡;er:¡brez ¡ ¡oveÖ, seconded }è:' Willmus to elect n. H. Har.1TfH")rsten as Vice-ChairtlAn of <br />tlw Council.Roll Call:Aye~:-(.5),Nays-(O). <br />The C:U¿stiOD of bid:.; for the gré'.vel pit was discussed.Ed.Willmus reported that <br />the gravel pit from J.A.Klubertanz,one of the bidders does not produce the right kine' <br />of gravel.He stateò the state Highway Jept. !11Elde tests of the gravel and found it <br />unsatisfactory for road purposes. H2IJlmersr,en thèreforc [loved, seconded by '\óTillmus to <br />reject Klubertan;yrI G bid on the ground that the gravel does not comply with specifi- <br />c3tion~ anè XNyt;xld:8f is not suitable for our use.Roll cal1:A..ves-(5),Na;;TE-(0). <br />Mueller 1.10veci, seconder b;y Hammersten to bpy 5000 yès. of gravel from Oscar Gottfriecì <br />at the unit price of 37~¢ per per bid I"ubrlitted. Roll CaE:Ayes-J:ueller, <br />Willmus,Hamôorsten,l1embrez. Hays-Carlson. <br />Earnrr:ersten rùovod, seconded by CarlEon to use the Diebold VGposi tar~r box at the <br />Falcon Heights Bank for bAnk deposits in connection with the liquor stores, thE:' a:mual <br />ohé:rge to be ~~15.00.Ro:::"1 C31l:A:¡es-(.5),Na.ys-(O). <br />The Pl1blic Hearing on +,he petition presented b;y KLute ÌÆ.Haglund for the rezoning <br />from Farr:l-roEiòGnce District to Clas:~ C resic:ential of the property òescribed in our <br />ll¡il1utes of Feb.20th WAS declareè open 1-:I:r Vice Chairmilll H?.J:Lersten(the nayor having <br />left at this point 6ue to illness) There hei:1g no o~e present to obje~t to this !'8- <br />z()ning,ì.~e¡¡:brez uovecì, secor-:c;eè by carlf'on tc' zope this property Clp.2f C-Residentip~. <br />Roll call:Ayes-(L),~2Y2-(0). <br />':'he public hearing on the vacation of alleys in Block 2,3,1+,5,6 and 7,Rice street, <br />::;r2I¡c View A0èition to st. Paul WE':: ~:;cl:'3T8¿ open. Hapmersten movee"seconded b:r Car-lson <br />to instruct t be T:'.lla;¿e Attorney to prepare an ordinance to vacr::t'3 these slJeY8 to be <br />act,er, uron at ~he next reGular ffii:;eting.Roll C;Ü1:A;;.res-(l.),lJays-(0). <br />GCJ. J . Reilirlg suomi tted 2 peti tior. reql:ec t:i.nt; the ~ezoning of the followinr; nes cri- <br />bee ?JropertJr,~rorfl 1'~e~·ideI12e:.Ji.ëtrict to Rl1Sine~f' r-iE~trict: <br />Lot 9,Block :3 ,noóH;v.il2.f: Ecit.;!rts, that j.Jcrtio:" cî Lot 9 wl-'icl: is now zoned <br />Residence A ristrict. <br />Ea;,:~srste,l moved, s7:òcünè.cd 0'1 Carlson tc 2.ccer:t Deti tion and tbélt T'u':::lic HeariDE; be <br />"2'-' on the Butter on l":;::.rè~ 20th: 1951 ;:;t 'ì)-1' ViE~g2' Hol1.Roll Cáll:Aye:-::-(Þ),~::¡ys-(O). <br />r:el F2byæ,~ke ,fÜ's c:lÍef inc;uired agaÜ1 ~,-bcut the new fire barn. ~!(xbre?, reported <br />Ulêt '}eo.Reiling agreed to sell 2 lot (just SOLth of Cárri8r Bros )on Le:Ünton Ave for <br />t.Yle price of ~~75G.C(). i~"hG :ntlt, l'ves refi.;:'TCC to CarlE'on. \"fith inE"truction.s to hire An <br />ê,:,chi tect to m2ke ro¡;g;"¡ !)lans so t.hat the cost of huilding a new st3tion can be dder- <br />,Ür,e è . <br /> <br />Peti tion WéJS presented req1.:e2ting the vacating of a11e;,/s in Block 1 of Hice St. <br />Grand View aèdition to St.Pat;l,fro¡rr Rice st. to Ida Ave,from AledaI' Ave to Granclview <br />with exception of alleys running North and South hetween lots 8,7,6,5,4. <br />CarLson moved, sGconc:€c1 by HéiD:.1ersten to aCc81t petition é.'nÖ c211eÔ for a Public Hewing <br />on the matte:, on March 20th,lY51 proviåed,however,that the petitioners furnish the <br />clerk with aJ abstract çertificate in ample time so tl18t notices can be posten at leDst <br />10 days before the h<'A.ring.Holl C311:Ayeó:-(L),IJa:'s-(0). <br />-Carlson moved, seconc:~'d bJ Hillmi.Js tu r;2.Y tlH" £'oí.L,;irlt; bÜl~' .Roll Call-Ayes-(l¡)Na,ys-Ç) <br />r~.S.Pov,er Co 1.0':::' :SarI ::;es La1:rierF 77.00 J.C.:Gernhard 11.75 <br />N.W.Bell Tel.Co 10.93 IJ.S.Power Co LOG ElsE:. ;¿.Obst,Treas. 7.67 <br />"n J3.70 George ,:,chililze 36.00 Joe.Kcalska 21.00 <br />Joe I\oalska 76.00 Fr31'k Leinen 2?7.LG Bellis Bros. 10.60 <br />Van Far",!, Sup}:l;y L.91 Vm Ii. L;\Jcllcr DO.oO D.H.H"!T',l'ler:"ten 60.00 <br />Har:>'J' C8rÜ?O¡; ÓO.()() Edward \':illnl's 60.00 Geo.Membrfjz 150.00 <br />Ira Y.aron 100.00 Frank l,eini.::n 7;;.00 Geo.Guligowski 35.00 <br />,:::,!:ere beiq; no f\:rtheY' bUf neES ,¡lemhrez uove(;, :;ec. by ré'rlEor: to aèjourn meeting <br />~,ll:AYe:'-(~) ,~~¡a:n)-(~): <br /> <br />~ " Clerk <br />. . I "~"or <br />~ I"\.,.., _ 1.!c;.,j <br />------ - ---~--- --- --- <br /> <br />